The first day of summer is June 21, a Monday.  How do y'all feel about a trip for that weekend and include Monday (for a three day trip).  We leave in spring, we come back in SUMMER!! 


Im thinking to starved rock.


i would call it STARVING FOR SUMMER


oh, and Wild Bill Hickock's birthplace monument is nearby.  i wanna check it out.


Here is the RSVP




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I like the sound of that. it doesnt seem that too many of us are 'quiet campers'. Someone wanna call em, ask if they can accommodate anywhere between 20 and 40 ppl? and how soon they would need reservations, and how reservations need to be secured.

we have less than a month's time, and that time will pass quickly so lets get planning
It's already reserved for the 18th with the last people leaving on the 21st. (Seriously.) All they ask is that if we end up changing plans we call them, and that when we get there we check in with the bartender so we can sign the ledger and pay our $7.50. They have us down for 40 people but say they've easily accommodated groups of 60 before.
Ya'll crazy - that's the weekend of Marauders!
I wonder what will happen if this group doesn't have to worry about getting in trouble from Park Rangers?

A film crew should really come in tow.

Could we get a route from TC? i believe that he leads a ride down here every year.
I'm game.
I'm in for the majority of it!
For those less ambitious or not physically up to a ride from Joliet, Amtrak to Mendota, IL will bring you w/i 20+ miles of the park. It's an easy ride from Mendota to Starved Rock. Amtrak charges $10/bike and $10 for o/w ticket.

Downside: Not as picturesque as a ride along the I&M Canal.
Upside: More time riding in and around the park (which is very picturesque) Though anyone know about restrictions on biking in the park? I know there are some.
Well I do have to get a tent for RAGBRAI any way . . . .


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