Chicago Naked Ride Security Needs You! (CLOTHED ;-)!

So it's getting on that time of year again and let's see who we can muster for help! ;-) If you ride with Security you are clothed (I wear jeans and no shirt). But we also need volunteers for stay behind crew.


Expert Naked Ride peeps are always welcome! ;-)

The Rear Guard Needs You!

We are the peeps that hold the end of the ride together. Bring a positive attitude and a willingness to help out. We keep the police and nayr-do wells off the naked folks. Don't worry about conflict as we should have enough peeps to handle that and there are lawyers on the ride to protect the riders. The ride is Saturday June 11th 2011. ;-)

You can contact Andrew through here or me through here or at <--- those are zero's after the gec.

Thanks and talk soon,
gabe ;-)

(Can the Guys from last years crew check in on here when you see the thread? ;-)

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Thanx Gabe! (note re above: Ride is Saturday June 12th 2010)
Fixed - Sorry Andrew, in my laziness i used last years Posting ;-)
Do you need Legal Observer help with this?
I believe that The Lawyers guild is working with us again (Kevin, Ian (i forget the third lawyers name, sorry;-( but you are welcome to ride with the security crew Spencer. ;-)
I'll send ya a message on here as I think you don't have a cell phone still ;-)
Larry, Brett, Kelly, BK, Doug, Matt....Who else is in? ;-)
I'm in, and it's clearly vital to have a pre-ride security meetup at Small Bar on the day of the ride—June 12 is USA vs. England, after all.
Oh Doom you are soooooo right! ;-)
Im in.
I too am a legal observer with the National Lawyers Guild. I'll contact them directly and ask if they need one more. If not it's naked for me!

Gabe said:
I believe that The Lawyers guild is working with us again (Kevin, Ian (i forget the third lawyers name, sorry;-( but you are welcome to ride with the security crew Spencer. ;-)
Larry, Brett, Kelly, BK, Doug, Matt, Doom, Mario, Jose. Keep it comin! ;-) Mario can you send me your cell number in a message?

Does anyone wanna pull a trailer? Always helpful. And does anyone know a pedicab rider that would like to bring up the rear?

Looks like the Security crew will be having a pre-ride function for the Soccer game. More details to follow. ;-)

Rear Guard - We guard your Rear! ;-)
It's a trailer without the trailer? OK ;-) Do you wanna pull it for the ride or is someone willing to pull it. Just a handy thing to have at the rear to create a little space between us and the cars. We had a small one last year on Ed's bike but he's gonna float the middle this year. So We need a new rear person on the trailer. ;-)



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