If you're like me you rarely have time to shop or handle other errands  during the week, so if you're planing to attend the RoS next week be on the lookout for these handy items:

-used jars of any size
-tea lights
-extended lighters of the kind you use to light a pilot light:

-real or artificial flowers or anything else you'd like to adorn a bike with
-sharpies if you'd like to sign a bike (I believe two of the bikes have dedications written on them)

What am I forgetting?

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was distributing pamphlets tonight on my ride and realized I need a red arm band and don't have one. Anyone have one to spare tomorrow?
My wife and I will be doing the Chicago ride. Perhaps people are just being quiet about it...
You can bring your own!
A black arm band is the one that is called for.
Some are making them from old bike tubes.
The announcement says meet at 6:30, depart at 7 pm.

re armbands: black for solidarity/mourning and red if you've been injured by a motor vehicle while riding. I'll just try to keep my waistband low so my scar can hang out.

The ride also got mentioned this morning on WBEZ.

H3N3 said:
Just saw an announcement on the news (WGN)-- good media score. They said 6:30 but I think I've seen 7 listed? Tony Adams said:
My wife and I will be doing the Chicago ride. Perhaps people are just being quiet about it...
I picked up a couple yards of each black and red fabric over the weekend that people can use to make some quick armbands.

Hopefully I'll be able to make it to Daley plaza in time; I'm worried work will have me jacked up.

Anyway, if you see me out there, feel free to ask. I got it to share.
Next year = bring both red and black armbands to ride for riders.
Donations for armbands always welcome. Maybe we can have a fabric donation and/or armband making night during a planning session for the 2011 Ride.

Thanks to all for making the 2010 RoS such a positive Ride for all.
Elizabeth et al : thanks for all the effort put into this year's ride.
it was great and the motorists seemed cool.
handing out flyers to some was nice too (thanks Pat for giving me those)

Chicago Ride of Silence said:
Next year = bring both red and black armbands to ride for riders.
Donations for armbands always welcome. Maybe we can have a fabric donation and/or armband making night during a planning session for the 2011 Ride.

Thanks to all for making the 2010 RoS such a positive Ride for all.
dan brown said:
Elizabeth et al : thanks for all the effort put into this year's ride.
it was great and the motorists seemed cool.
handing out flyers to some was nice too (thanks Pat for giving me those)

Yes. It would have been great to have more flyers to hand out. It was pretty awkward to ride by silently when bystanders would ask what was going on.

But in general, wow! it was a huge and solemn and great experience.

Kudos also to the CPD bike patrol. On lots of occasions those officers rode right out into oncoming traffic to stop it.
I really appreciated last night's ride.

I too would like to plan on bringing more flyers to hand out and also to have brought more things to place on the Ghost bikes (Like Howard pointed out above). I'll have to plan on it for next year.

The CPD bike patrol was very effective...many thanks to them.
The ride is getting regular rotational coverage on WBBM 780 AM. It was a flawlessly executed, very well organized and managed ride, and a great remembrance for those who have fallen. Thank you Elizabeth and all who put this together.

May we never need another.
Did anyone on the Ride last night get a count of riders? (just in case not everyone signed-in... )
I'd say give or take 300.


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