I'm going to be flying out to LA for a couple of weeks. I don't think that I can last without my bike for that long... does anyone have any experience taking a bike on a plane?

What did you pack your bike in?
Did you have to pay extra?
Which airline did you fly on?
What else?

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Most airlines charge $50-$100 for a bike.

I've used a plastic cargo case a few times (which makes things exceed your weight limit = $$$) and a cardboard bike box. Both work. Just depends on how much you care about your bike.

I have heard (but not seen) horror stories about shipping bikes in cardboard. Bent tubes, broken forks, etc.

The only mis-hap I've had is a stolen seat and seat-post when I shipped my bike to Bolivia.

You might wanna check out http://www.shipbikes.com/. Its probably cheaper and safer than bringing your bike on the plane.

Good luck.
See Julie's article on the cost of transporting bikes, for rates.
it's a rip off, but local shops will do the boxing for you for a fee
Hrm. Julie's price quotes are making me like Ship Bikes more and more
Would you consider shipping it out via FedEx or UPs before you go out there? When I took my bike with me to SF I had it packed at a bike shop and FedExed. It arrived in basically great shape. My derailleur hanger was slightly bent, but that's a pretty delicate part and they were able to bend it back when they put it back together.
Honestly, I'd rather just rent bikes and support local business when I go places. Shipping a bike makes little sense, unless I'm doing a lot of riding. Not to mention, more cargo weight == more pollution.
that's a really good point. *golf clap*

vxla said:
Honestly, I'd rather just rent bikes and support local business when I go places. Shipping a bike makes little sense, unless I'm doing a lot of riding. Not to mention, more cargo weight == more pollution.
I just went to Maine on a bike trip and boy do I wish I shipped my bike because I'm so short they couldn't get a road bike to fit me.

I've shipped my bike internationally, it was super easy. I too had a bike shop pack it , I think it cost $20 bucks. At that time it was free to ship a bike if it was your second peice of luggage. Things have changed though, they charge for everything now!
Oh yea, to the OP: check out local message boards (lafixed is one) and see if you can borrow a bike from someone.

There's usually nice people everywhere.
I'll probably just show up with a U-lock and some clipless pedals and shoes and buy or borrow a beater for my stay. And give it back or donate it or sell it, whatever, when I'm coming back.

Thanks for the suggestions, everyone.
In many places, unfortunately, there are no options for renting bikes. My hometown of Lexington KY, for example. No bike rental, and they DO have one of those free yellow bike programs, but you have to be a resident and register with a city office to use it.

Would that it were that easy.

vxla said:
Honestly, I'd rather just rent bikes and support local business when I go places. Shipping a bike makes little sense, unless I'm doing a lot of riding. Not to mention, more cargo weight == more pollution.
I just found this article.

I don't know how up to date it is, but I do know El Al Airlines still does not charge for bikes.


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