Definitely not one to shill for companies or products, but when the Shrader valve output on my year-old Blackburn track pump stopped connecting and would only hiss pathetically, I called their customer service line, hoping to get a new head. A week later I received this lovely new pump, with basically no questions asked. Nice to know someone still cares.

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i love stories like this. I have a pair of road (fancy carbon) shoes and I tried to get replacement buckles
for the straps....yada yada yada; pain in the ass, and then I talked to a cool guy at Specialized (customer service) (shameless plug) and 2 brand new ones arrived at my office maybe 4-5 days later.

enjoy the pump !

Blackburn does life up to their life-time warranty. I have a flea re-chargeable head light & they replaced it for a brand new one. The only thing with that light this will be my 2nd time I do need to call them about this light.
Blackburn customer service is awesome. They've sent me new pump mounts (2, first broke in the mail), new rubber caps for my battery connectors for my X6, and a couple new light clips. No questions asked, no proof of purchase required.
That is awesome. If my Planet Bike pump ever dies, I think I'll pick up one of those.
I have two Blackburn frame pumps that were replaced no questions asked when my two previous Blackburn pumps stopped working, probably from years of not having to use them. Blackburn customer service was fantastic. Same with Smith Optics, Patagonia, Mountain Hardware and a few others....


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