After a bit of searching for a double sided kickstand, and not finding what I needed at my LBS, I purchased this online:


So, since my bike is newer, it doesn't have a kickstand top plate.  Where do I find one? I tried to use a top plate from a different kickstand (a single sided one), but the diameter of the screw on this one is a bit bigger.


Anyone have a top plate they want to get rid of?  Know where I can find one?

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I'm sure your LBS would have some extras laying around. That would be the first place I'd check. If you can't find one, why not just drill the hole out bigger on the one you have?
Where did you buy that online? It looks a little timid. Did you see this when you were seeking a double-sided stand? It includes the top plate:

If you decide to keep the one you have, I'm sure you can dig up a suitable top plate at Working Bikes.
Heck, I'll make you one or modify the one you have that doesn't fit. It is a plate, after all. I assume nothing fancy is requested? If all that is wrong is the hole is too small, I can drill it bigger--even thread it if you want. BTW, I am in the western 'burbs.
You know where to find me.
Well. That is disappointing. Four individual posters all willing to help but not one word from the OP. I must assume it is fixed...
I really wish that I had seen that one when I was looking for a kickstand. I really should have posted this a long time ago. Oh well...

I'll probably keep what I have since I do have it. I may have to check out Working bikes again. Thanks!

Moc Artsy said:
Where did you buy that online? It looks a little timid. Did you see this when you were seeking a double-sided stand? It includes the top plate:

If you decide to keep the one you have, I'm sure you can dig up a suitable top plate at Working Bikes.
Sorry I didn't get back earlier. I was away from teh computer for most of the weekend. If I can't find a part at my LBS, I'll contact you.


Arrak Thumrs said:
Well. That is disappointing. Four individual posters all willing to help but not one word from the OP. I must assume it is fixed...
Hey! I might have an extra toplate lying around that will fit that particular kickstand. I will check this evening when I get home from work.
Thanks Liz! Are you going to the Kidical Mass ride on Saturday? I could get it from you then. Or I could pick it up from you some other time. Let me know! The size of the bolt seems to be similar to a 3/8 in bicycle pedal, but not exact. I do have a washer for it, so I don't think I need exact threading.


Liz W. Durham said:
Hey! I might have an extra toplate lying around that will fit that particular kickstand. I will check this evening when I get home from work.
Not sure if I will make it to this weekend's ride...if I do though I will bring it along (assuming I find it). Otherwise we can work something else out.
Have you tried any of the bike co-ops? Working Bikes, West Town Bikes and Blackstone Bicycle Works all have parts bins that might yield the part you are looking for.


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