Do your handlebar ends, you know, those knopper-stoppers that plug the end of your handlebars, go missing all the time?

I have the solution. Try wine bottle corks. Not only are they a unique solution, you can customize them with a sharpie marker with your own initials or logo. And, they absorb vibrations pretty well -- at least better than plastic.

Tap them in tightly after drinking your favorite wine. Pull them out using a deck screw.

Check out my photos attached.

Any better ideas?

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i never ever lose the bar end caps. maybe youre not leaving enough tape at the end in order to keep the caps in tight...corks for the wino ride. looks terrible, no offense at all. creative for sure.
I have a better solution! Put in some bar end lights. They won't fall out, they are inconspicuous and add a lil safety to your ride ;o)
I agree, they do look dweeby, no offense taken!

Chris said:
i never ever lose the bar end caps. maybe youre not leaving enough tape at the end in order to keep the caps in tight...corks for the wino ride. looks terrible, no offense at all. creative for sure.
Thanks for the idea!

Ashley said:
I have a better solution! Put in some bar end lights. They won't fall out, they are inconspicuous and add a lil safety to your ride ;o)


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