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Hell yeah! It's nice to see the bike lane enforced by someone other than just bikers!
Today a bus stopped in the middle of Wilson (didn't pull to the side) and opened it's doors to pour out a bunch of unsuspecting passengers into the bike lane right in front of me! If it weren't for my supreme handling skills there would have been blood.
You youngsters.

I moved here from the wide open plains of rural Nebraska in 1990, there were no "bike lanes" on Halsted or any other street. Bike lanes in this city are a joke.

Assume that NO ONE SEES YOU, even if you lock eyes with a driver or fellow cyclist.

By the way, Caitlin, I just came from Revolution Brewery in your neck of the woods. Awesome food, awesome beer. I drove my car rather than biked, however.
calm down
i NAILED a guy that way once on Clark as he hopped out the rear door... Good times, fond memories.

Joe TV said:
Today a bus stopped in the middle of Wilson (didn't pull to the side) and opened it's doors to pour out a bunch of unsuspecting passengers into the bike lane right in front of me! If it weren't for my supreme handling skills there would have been blood.
Yes, a very sad joke... more psychologically than actually beneficial. Just remember that those white lines do NOTHING to protect you in any way except possibly in court-IF you survive.

Craig S. said:
You youngsters.

I moved here from the wide open plains of rural Nebraska in 1990, there were no "bike lanes" on Halsted or any other street. Bike lanes in this city are a joke.

Assume that NO ONE SEES YOU, even if you lock eyes with a driver or fellow cyclist.

By the way, Caitlin, I just came from Revolution Brewery in your neck of the woods. Awesome food, awesome beer. I drove my car rather than biked, however.


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