The first day of Spring is March 20th


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Register's Annual Great Bike Ride Across Iowa

You can't have more fun on two wheels than this event.

I should qualify my earlier statement about nudity. While there is a great quantity, particularly later in the day out on the road and in the beer gardens, the quality does suffer. However, have another vodka lemonade and nary's the difference.

Cocktails ahoy!
Yes, because that's the only way people ever look at women.

Geeze you really do have no sense of humor. What do you think, every single person here who likes the pictures of cute girls is a creepy perv who leers at women?

Should Shay be chastised for objectifying men?

heather said:
In the future, I will try to remember that when a creepy douchebag is leering at me, the appropriate response is laughter.

Gabe said:
Of course you find it offensive. You don't have a sense of humor.
That is a terribly impractical outfit for actually riding...

Shay said:

Now I feel better about this thread. A bit more balanced. ;-)
Kellie, don't forget WNBR-C- that would be World Naked Bike Ride Chicago where all participants are in various stages of undress for the entire ride. ;-) You don't have to be naked to participate it's "bare as you dare' :-)
Hahahahahahaha! ;-) It sure is DUG! ;-)

notoriousDUG said:
That is a terribly impractical outfit for actually riding...

Shay said:

Now I feel better about this thread. A bit more balanced. ;-)
I'll be there...with bells on!

Gabe said:
Kellie, don't forget WNBR-C- that would be World Naked Bike Ride Chicago where all participants are in various stages of undress for the entire ride. ;-) You don't have to be naked to participate it's "bare as you dare' :-)
I am not attacking her for being a feminist, don't put words in my mouth because if you look real close you will see I never once said anything about that. My issue is with the assumption that people are objectifying women just because they post up a couple of pictures. Believe it or not people can like to look at women and still respect them; I will agree that as a society we have turned the female form into a commodity but jumping down the throat of people is not the way to fix it.

Knee jerk reactions like that are the exact reason why people have a negative perception of feminists.

Kellie said:
While I hate to start my Chainlink forum relationships out on such a note, I have to agree that Heather brings up some important points. I'm a big fan of nudity and, as it turns out, summer. But, to pretend that there is not a history of womens' bodies used as commodities through imagery and instead just get defensive (as if this in some way was attacking you and your libido) is being naive, to put it nicely. On that note, I also can't wait for everyone to get over themselves and bike naked pretty soon!

...and attacking a women speaking up in a "feminist" way as not having a sense of humor? really? Perhaps, if she purchases a sense of humor, someone else should purchase an original argument.
They stack better that way.

Gabe said:
Dead bodies?
Yeah...this sounds like a blast!

Craig S. said:
Register's Annual Great Bike Ride Across Iowa

You can't have more fun on two wheels than this event.

I should qualify my earlier statement about nudity. While there is a great quantity, particularly later in the day out on the road and in the beer gardens, the quality does suffer. However, have another vodka lemonade and nary's the difference.

Cocktails ahoy!
Hey Dug, the feminist slams were against me cause i called a girl a feminist. But it was assumed ahead of time that i was just being a jerk where as i had already seen she was a feminist and from Vermont one of my fav states. Doesn't mean I'm not a jerk just means i do my research. ;-)
You are projecting onto me a tired stereotype about feminists (we hate sex and everything else that is fun) rather than listening to what I have said. I do not have a problem with anyone finding anyone else attractive. I am not saying that people who like looking at naked women hate or disrespect women. I am saying that women, and women's bodies, are not here for your amusement or pleasure. And I think that imagery such as what appears in this thread reinforces the entrenched cultural valuation of women as sexual objects.

notoriousDUG said:
It is pretty horrible for people to find women so attractive they discuss it.

Just curious but while you are busy hating fun does it ever occur to you just how ignorant and presumptuous your way of looking at things is? Somebody posts that they are happy spring is coming because they enjoy the nice weather and attractive women wearing less clothing and you immediately assume they are objectifying and disrespecting women.

Why can't it be that they appreciate pretty women but still respect them and have an interest in their brain?

I like pretty girls and am looking forward springtime coming not just for the weather but for the cute girls in spring dresses; am I sexist jerk?

My summer gear; better not find me attractive...
I would never have assumed you're a jerk for calling me a feminist. I am a feminist. It's not an insult.

(btw, I'm from Chicago! just went to school in Vermont)

Gabe said:
Hey Dug, the feminist slams were against me cause i called a girl a feminist. But it was assumed ahead of time that i was just being a jerk where as i had already seen she was a feminist and from Vermont one of my fav states. Doesn't mean I'm not a jerk just means i do my research. ;-)


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