Aside from the absolute recklessness of this guy its still flippin sweet....

Mash from romk on Vimeo.

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Well put T.C.

T.C. O'Rourke said:
That said, at least they're on bikes instead of sports cars.
cyclist, motorist, pedestrian... that kind of riding is aggravating to me from any perspective.
Hell, it was annoying just viewing it on the interweb.

It's the selfish mentality I can't stand. That goes for everything, not just biking.

Except for long boarders, I don't cut them any slack. j/k
True that...

mike w. said:

notoriousDUG said:
This is missing the point to the highest degree.

While I am pretty sure they would just find new and interesting ways to be douche bags if there where fewer cars that is beside the point; the issue with videos like that is the fact that the glorify and promote horribly irresponsible ridding and behavior that only makes motorists more aggressive and upset at cyclists....(edit)
Should use it as a training video on how to break every law and piss off the locals
I think this is an interesting thread. The takeaway is that the general cycling community doesn't always understand the groups at the fringes of the community and vice versa.
Duppie - that's kind of how most communities are.

The debate here is the balance of whether the 'coolness' of what these riders can do is greater than the stupidity they are exhibiting through their recklessness for the public en masse....

I say no, but still enjoy watching it. If they were to be taken out by one of those cars or busses they cut off I would not cry for they are taking that risk themselves, but I would feel sorrow for the driver who has to live with that death on their conscious.

This kind of stuff needs to be taken away from the public realm and kept where most fixed gear bikes belong - the closed circuit track..... :P Let the smack talk being on that last comment... muahahahaha
I have a flip flop hub and like to switch it over to fixed in the winter because my brakes tend to freeze. Other than that I see no real point. I like to coast, and miss my hybrid so much.
OH, and how do these guys lock up the back wheel like that? I have tried so many times, but can't do it. I got plenty of leg strength so there has to be some kind of trick to it that I just don't know because I am not just some fuckin pussy.
Daniel Villarreal said:
I have a flip flop hub and like to switch it over to fixed in the winter because my brakes tend to freeze. Other than that I see no real point. I like to coast, and miss my hybrid so much.

I thought I'd miss coasting also. Initially I had a freewheel on a flip flop hub. A year or so later I borrowed a fixed cog for the other side. I almost immediately became hooked. I don't miss coasting at all because you CAN coast on a FG - essentially - you just have to keep your legs moving.
It just isn't the same, I am all about the free wheel once the weather warms up.

Tony Adams said:
Daniel Villarreal said:
I have a flip flop hub and like to switch it over to fixed in the winter because my brakes tend to freeze. Other than that I see no real point. I like to coast, and miss my hybrid so much.

I thought I'd miss coasting also. Initially I had a freewheel on a flip flop hub. A year or so later I borrowed a fixed cog for the other side. I almost immediately became hooked. I don't miss coasting at all because you CAN coast on a FG - essentially - you just have to keep your legs moving.
Tony - that isnt coasting....because your legs are still moving...regardless I have to agree with Daniel....being able to just stand while approaching intersections makes me feel much more safe....going over bad potholes as well...
Aaron Bussey said:
Tony - that isnt coasting....because your legs are still moving...regardless I have to agree with Daniel....being able to just stand while approaching intersections makes me feel much more safe....going over bad potholes as well...

I'm with you on pot-holes. They can be pretty unsettling on a FG. As for what exactly constitutes "coasting" we'll just have to disagree. If I'm not doing any work - that is, if I'm not applying any pressure to the pedals, then it is as good as coasting to me.

Think of a combustion engine motorbike (or if you must, a car). Does the engine actually stop when you coast?

I bother to mention this because coasting was something I thought I'd miss if I used a FG. It kept me from trying it for a long time. I just want to encourage anyone who is similarly hesitant about riding fixed for that reason to give it a try.


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