you know the drill.. if you can't find it, can't afford it, or can't imagine how you'll live without it - post it here.

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Protein filled balls . . . . er . . . . rocks?
The hard outer surface makes it possible to throw them in your pocket or on the floor of your car to grab whenever you need..

lol, gross
Hrm. I seem to remember myself typing something about a frame pump in spokes. I ask you to erase that from your minds and replace it with "chuck protein balls at"


root said:
The hard outer surface makes it possible to throw them in your pocket or on the floor of your car to grab whenever you need..

lol, gross
Tommie- yours was the 69th comment on the discussion of bike porn. Ok, enough said though let's not let this get out of hand.

Tommie said:
Hrm. I seem to remember myself typing something about a frame pump in spokes. I ask you to erase that from your minds and replace it with "chuck protein balls at"


root said:
The hard outer surface makes it possible to throw them in your pocket or on the floor of your car to grab whenever you need..

lol, gross
only a perve would notice that!

Julie Hochstadter said:
Tommie- yours was the 69th comment on the discussion of bike porn. Ok, enough said though let's not let this get out of hand.

Tommie said:
Hrm. I seem to remember myself typing something about a frame pump in spokes. I ask you to erase that from your minds and replace it with "chuck protein balls at"


root said:
The hard outer surface makes it possible to throw them in your pocket or on the floor of your car to grab whenever you need..

lol, gross

2009 Specialized Langster. Too bad it's not a sparrow with nautical stars
that is gorgeous, go specialized! any more photos?
I wonder if they're still aluminum.
a friend from another board just put together his new CX. i just love everything about it.

and this is a particularly interesting photo of a builder he works with. notice the absolutely massive chainring on the wall!


Eric said:

mmm... bike porn...

I've been searching for a year for one of these stem covers to put on my Cinelli Alter. Anybody got one?

Chainlink tattoo!


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