I *need* a dance party. I have heard the Hide Out at midnight on Saturdays is a good place for this.  Would anybody be interested in going next weekend? Ride, dance, ride some more.

Seriously. Dance. Please. Or come and just watch? I'm trying to gauge interest before I actually make an event page...

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Dude, there was a dance floor upstairs at Bottom Lounge. :-(
Dance party at Jamimarias house warming party?
I only discovered that right after you and Aaron (and most everybody else) took off. super sad face

Gabe said:
Dude, there was a dance floor upstairs at Bottom Lounge. :-(
I don't know Jamimaria but yes?

Aaron Bussey said:
Dance party at Jamimarias house warming party?
check out Late Bar on saturday night at belmont and drake. 80's new wave dance party. Thats where I got my dance on last night!
Dance party sounds awesome. However, last time I went to the Hideout there was a WAIT. That was also the day I decided to wear skirt and stockings and I think some of the cells in my toes haven't quite recovered ever since. maybe a earlier time would circumvent this problem.
Michelle, sorry we bounced so quick but Willy and I wanted to make sure that Aaron got home in one piece. ;-) And Amy's skirt argument doesn't work cause you love the skirts. ;-)
Jen: fantastic suggestion. I will make sure to investigate this place very very soon!

Amy: another fantastic suggestion. I do hate waiting, especially in the cold.

Gabe: no no, I was glad you guys did that. It turned out to be an excellent time to leave anyway. And of course you're completely right about the skirts, but they're only warm enough if I'm in motion, not if I'm standing in a dumb line along the side of a building.
Wow, I had no idea I was throwing a disco bash!

I'm not really sure if that is going to be the way I'd like to be known to my new neighbors...

If you want to come to the house warming party and didn't get the facebook invite, I suppose you can just send me a message.

Word of warning...when the party gets past 11, we're going to the local bar so my building doesn't hate me. I'm thinking Sunnyside Tap on Western.

Aaron Bussey said:
Dance party at Jamimarias house warming party?
my neighbors (upstairs : I live in a two flat) just got booted out yesterday; and my roommate (Krissy) moved as well. As a result : I am the sole occupant of my place.

I would be willing to host if needed. My stereo cana get pretty loud too.

Location : Humboldt Park.


H3N3 said:
In trying to tidy the attic earlier I can across a 12" disco ball I never got around to installing on my sound trailer. You're welcome to borrow it!

H3N3 said:
In trying to tidy the attic earlier I can across a 12" disco ball I never got around to installing on my sound trailer. You're welcome to borrow it!
hee hee


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