Need quiet café type place with open wifi near Damen/North/Milwaukee intersection

Hiya folks,
So I rarely do internet away from home or work, and don't really know my way around the locales in the immediate Damen/North/Milwaukee area-- looking for a place to have a meeting tomorrow, needs to be kind of quiet; anyone got a handle on who-all has open wifi around that area? Restaurants/diner type places, pizzerias, cafés, whatever-- just can't be loud like a bar. 

Oh yeah, it needs to be kind of quiet . . .

Thanks for any tips!

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Lionel Senderowicz said:
Bank of America! ....... RIP Filter :'(
Um . . . thanks for the bounce? :-|
I was looking for wi-fi in the area and found two options:

(a) public library (but wi-fi sux) and not sure about hours


(b) Piece Out Pizzeria at 1923 W. North has free wi-fi, and might be quieter during the day rather than at night (when it's a lot more like a bar).
I can verify that Piece is quiet during the day. I've done homework there.

Andy Finko said:
I was looking for wi-fi in the area and found two options:

(a) public library (but wi-fi sux) and not sure about hours


(b) Piece Out Pizzeria at 1923 W. North has free wi-fi, and might be quieter during the day rather than at night (when it's a lot more like a bar).
Sorry folks, one part of my brain included "this is going to be after library closing time" in the OP, and another part deleted it before posting.
Was looking for place in question for 9 PM-ish, and planning to head to Piece after 10 . . .
What about that kind of low-budget pizzeria a few doors west of Piece? What are the chances a place like that has wifi?
I don't know how you feel about Starbucks, but I bet they have wifi and are probably open til ten or so.
Filter just reopened next to Copenhagen Cyclery on Milwaukee. I walked past it today and didn't go in but it looked super spacious and very underpopulated. Might wanna make sure they have wifi up and running.

Also, Gallery Cafe (again I haven't been in but I hear about it often) is close but might be more crowded?
Thanks for the footwork!
Looks like they close too early though.

Michelle Green said:
Filter just reopened next to Copenhagen Cyclery on Milwaukee. I walked past it today and didn't go in but it looked super spacious and very underpopulated. Might wanna make sure they have wifi up and running.

Also, Gallery Cafe (again I haven't been in but I hear about it often) is close but might be more crowded?
Amen to that. Filter was one of my favorite places in Liquor Park.

Lionel Senderowicz said:
Bank of America! ....... RIP Filter :'(
there is a coffee cafe (run by a church) at California and Wabansia (my hood).
not sure of the hours


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