another round of snow, and another round of ghettosledding in Humboldt Park.


improvised sleds are highly encouraged...rubbermaid bins, cookie sheets, home made snowboards/skis, whatever your heart desires or mind can come up with. we have a few cheepo sleds kickin around that work just fine as well.

time 5pm

The hill is at Kedzie and Hirsch

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hey where is my picture of me in the bin?????
Definitely, and this time I'm bringing something hot to drink instead of cold beer!

What time?
If there's snow I'll be there.
I'm done with work at 6! I'll meet ya there!!!!
Yes!! I live right across the street and I have an extra sled!! I looooove sledding. :)
Extra sled! Yessss!

Laura Blake said:
Yes!! I live right across the street and I have an extra sled!! I looooove sledding. :)
Hmmm. February 2nd is appropriately on a Tuesday.
I saw that. Maybe that's when the world will end. So you bettewr get your sledding in before that.

Bob Maher said:
Hmmm. February 2nd is appropriately on a Tuesday.
I love the way this topic title keeps changing.
Forum darwinism if you will

Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:
I love the way this topic title keeps changing.
there is snow on the hill and its extra slick with ice too!!! its freakin perfect... every day i have to restrain myself to stay off the hill and do grown up stuff like walk the dog and clean the apartment and cook, things along that nature. plus we have tons of ghetto bins, one flying saucer and a toboggan sled!!!! and a huge tarp!!! seriously though bring warm drinks for the hill... you can drink cold beer inside at our place

jamimaria said:
If there's snow I'll be there.
I'd go If I wasn't going to be out of town that day. It is right across the street from me!


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