Hey folks-- need your help badly for the 1st annual
Bikewinter Swap Meet and Urban Bicycle Expo taking place 2/6/10.
Originally I had hoped to find a space with enough room for various things (like locally built frames) to be displayed, however the space we were able to score for our first year demands that the "displaying" take place serially in presentation form rather than spacially . . .
So I'd love it if a few of you could get together and present some of your creations, and maybe talk a bit about the current state of Chicago bike manufacturing. Looking for about a 30 minute presentation. It will take place in the main swap room so it shouldn't be too terribly formal if you're nervous about your presentation skills-- looking for a grass-roots and spontaneous feel to the event.
Please speak up if you can help! Presenting local artisanship is on my A-list of scheduled presentations and I think vital to a real Chicago-style event.

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T.C. and I just built him a cargo bike with an electric assist. It's an extended wheel base kind of like an Xtracycle or a big dummy with the extra space for large rear cargo racks. it has removable heavy duty cargo racks each capable of taking a couple hundred pounds of cargo, plus a hitch for a cargo trailer.

It was chop style construction with 90% of the material coming from donor bikes.

The bike is for his business and I don't know what his work schedule is then, but if he wants to bring it to the expo I'd be glad to join him in talking about it.
I'm in. I can even talk a little bit. I can bring a couple of items for show and tell. I'll even have a new one to ride there.
I can probably have something together for this.
I have a couple of frames in various stages of completion you can use plus my daily rider. Get ahold of me if you are interested.



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