Specific mapmaking software advice. More thinking major art tools and techniques, and high-end systems of which I'm unaware. Not street level personal route planning, which I'd suspect has a thread elsewhere onsite.

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Hey mapmakers, I started this thread mainly seeking one technique answer to a common problem for basic group ride map flyer creation. In a map tool, SEPARATING the route and points of interest graphic from the city/streets layer. Everyone I know completely generates maps in a tool (mainly Google products), then for flyer use RECREATES the path later in a paint program in order to underlie a more transparent street grid (if any), and other behind route but over background graphics. In some cases I've snagged the whole, then used smart selects to crop off non-route, but that's silly.

I wish I could be looking at a google map, then hide the background. That simple. Then could capture just that and paste to flyer. Is there some option I'm overlooking? Is there a simple software that does this? Have checked through GoogleMaps/GoogleEarth to no avail. Have yet to review capabilities of my paid MapMyRide membership and software...


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