No hipsters.

I'm just looking to bike the metropolis with
a group of people who are sane,creative,love
single speeds or fixies,and just love to bike.

Living in the South Suburbs sucks....great roads and
inclines,but no real bikers.

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Hehehe. This is a funny thread.

But I keep wondering why hipsters keep getting a bad rap.

I've thought long and hard about it and I can't recall any instance where I've had an unpleasant on-the-street encounter with a hipster on a fixed gear. Come to think of it, I very rarely have unpleasant on-the-street encounters with any serious cyclist, whether they be a so-called hipster, a spandex-wearing road bike person, or your garden variety commuter/urban cyclist. Everyone is cool in my book, for what that's worth.

The only exceptions I can think of are people who ride on the wrong side of the street (bike salmon), and people who ride on the sidewalks and scare pedestrians. But since these people often seem to be sporting squeaky/rusty chains, under-inflated tires, and gel seats with gel covers, I'd hardly consider them serious riders.

The only serious riders I take issue with are triathletes training in full aero position on the lakefront path when it's crowded with strollers and children...or people on century rides who feel compelled to yell "on your left" when there is plenty of room to pass and I'm holding my line. You know who you are, going balls-out 10 miles into a 100 mile ride thinking you're Lance and shit. Remember my face, because I'll remember yours and I'll be the one dropping your ass on the first big hill or when you bonk at the 80 mile marker. Not to be petty, but I'm just sayin'.

Anyway, DUG is right. We need not to put people in categories. Also, as demonstrated by Critical Mass, Midnight Marauders, Full Moon Fiasco, and all of the excellent group rides organized each month, there are plenty of friendly people to ride bikes with in this city...and friendly people are not limited to one style of bike.
"Everything was all in good fun and the spirit of human nature....."

so calling people you know nothing about, but categorize as assholes is the spirit of human nature???
give me a break. this is as meaningful a statement so far as your "essence of fixies". Nothing about your negligence of our community is in good fun, or human nature.

"In the city, my eyes are always popping out of my head like Don Knotts because I have to stop or slow
down for some pedestrian or driver who give 2 fucks about life and want to take you with them......"

If you are going to complain about it so much, why do you even want to come here? I'm sure no one will mind if you stay home and let us city folk deal with our treacherous streets.

"Riding a fixie in the city is like riding a stick shift....It can be frustrating as fuck at times, but it does increase and invigorate your sense of awareness......."

funny, I ride a fixie and drive a stick shift... I guess that is why I have a super real sense of awareness of your naivety.
You're right, agreed ...It wont happen again.

That Lance Armstrong comment was funny as shit...

Brett Ratner said:
Hehehe. This is a funny thread.

But I keep wondering why hipsters keep getting a bad rap.

I've thought long and hard about it and I can't recall any instance where I've had an unpleasant on-the-street encounter with a hipster on a fixed gear. Come to think of it, I very rarely have unpleasant on-the-street encounters with any serious cyclist, whether they be a so-called hipster, a spandex-wearing road bike person, or your garden variety commuter/urban cyclist. Everyone is cool in my book, for what that's worth.

The only exceptions I can think of are people who ride on the wrong side of the street (bike salmon), and people who ride on the sidewalks and scare pedestrians. But since these people often seem to be sporting squeaky/rusty chains, under-inflated tires, and gel seats with gel covers, I'd hardly consider them serious riders.

The only serious riders I take issue with are triathletes training in full aero position on the lakefront path when it's crowded with strollers and children...or people on century rides who feel compelled to yell "on your left" when there is plenty of room to pass and I'm holding my line. You know who you are, going balls-out 10 miles into a 100 mile ride thinking you're Lance and shit. Remember my face, because I'll remember yours and I'll be the one dropping your ass on the first big hill or when you bonk at the 80 mile marker. Not to be petty, but I'm just sayin'.

Anyway, DUG is right. We need not to put people in categories. Also, as demonstrated by Critical Mass, Midnight Marauders, Full Moon Fiasco, and all of the excellent group rides organized each month, there are plenty of friendly people to ride bikes with in this city...and friendly people are not limited to one style of bike.
nik was here said:
"Everything was all in good fun and the spirit of human nature....."

so calling people you know nothing about, but categorize as assholes is the spirit of human nature???

it happens a lot more than you'd think it would. so in a way it kinda is.
im to fat or big for tight pants. and grow facial hair like an 8 year old.

M.A.R.K. said:
Other reasons being wear tight pants and a beard, perhaps flannel?

joe said:
i find this to be amusing...ive been called a hipster on a few time cause i drink lots of cheap beer, ride fixed, and a few other reasons...
Well I'm out! I must not be a real rider with all my damn gears...

... and with that intro, I'd call myself a hipster so I *didn't* have to ride with you.

Good luck!
wig [ isaac ] said:

I always felt hipsters were the new generation of hippies, replacing cheap tie-dyed(sp?) shirts, and sandals with bright colored clothing w/cool designs, skinny jeans and high top shoes. I thought about it some more and discussed with some fellow hipsters and I came to the conclusion that there are very many branches of this so-called "hipster" subculture.

Rule #1: You must have big hips, Just kidding. Okay, for real now.

Hipster is a term aimed towards college students, many of who, are low on funds so when it comes time to purchase new clothing where else can you find affordable clothes? The thrift store, where it may be a little hard to find the right sizes(hence the tight clothes). Background should be considered prior to droppin' the H-bomb. Living with the 'rents = not a hipster(you're not low on funds, youre saving money! Good JOB!). Living on your own, parents are paying for school and/or rent = Hipster. Even if your parents are loaded, many(parents) make you to seek your own funding for food, clothing, and other wants, so you'll be low on funds and fixies are cheap and somewhat effective ways to get around.

Now comes the hard part, differentiating hipsters from fashionistas/fashionistos, cyclists, and the "other" category. Yes these categories can, and will overlap.
Hipster In often cases does wear skinny jeans, retro/vintage/thrift store clothing, most party, smoke weed and/or cigarettes, drinks affordable beer(PBR's pretty affordable, don't hate), rides a bike(nothing in particular) to get from point A to point B.
Fashionistas/fasionistos Often confused with hipsters, because of a similar style. Does shop at thrift stores but can also be found in expensive, hipster-esque boutiques(wicker park area specifically). Rides fixed gear /SS bikes that look cool. Drinks similar products as hipsters, but is also willing to throw in a few more bucks to get a bottle 312 or something of higher quality.
CyclistsRides a bike for recreational purposes(can also race) and may be in a job that requires bikes(messenger, mechanic, etc). May smoke and drink whatever he/she likes. May have a career/ profession. Interesting people with an awesome hobby. Also includes BMX riders and MTBers.
Other Includes bike collectors, restorers, and those people i see around my 'hood who ride kmart bikes with rusty chains on the sidewalk.

I fall under all but the last one. This is just made up by me. IMO being hipster is not necessarily a bad thing.

Fred Noinaj said:
wig [ isaac ] said:

I always felt hipsters were the new generation of hippies, replacing cheap tie-dyed(sp?) shirts, and sandals with bright colored clothing w/cool designs, skinny jeans and high top shoes. I thought about it some more and discussed with some fellow hipsters and I came to the conclusion that there are very many branches of this so-called "hipster" subculture.

Rule #1: You must have big hips, Just kidding. Okay, for real now.

Hipster is a term aimed towards college students, many of who, are low on funds so when it comes time to purchase new clothing where else can you find affordable clothes? The thrift store, where it may be a little hard to find the right sizes(hence the tight clothes). Background should be considered prior to droppin' the H-bomb. Living with the 'rents = not a hipster(you're not low on funds, youre saving money! Good JOB!). Living on your own, parents are paying for school and/or rent = Hipster. Even if your parents are loaded, many(parents) make you to seek your own funding for food, clothing, and other wants, so you'll be low on funds and fixies are cheap and somewhat effective ways to get around.

Now comes the hard part, differentiating hipsters from fashionistas/fashionistos, cyclists, and the "other" category. Yes these categories can, and will overlap.
Hipster In often cases does wear skinny jeans, retro/vintage/thrift store clothing, most party, smoke weed and/or cigarettes, drinks affordable beer(PBR's pretty affordable, don't hate), rides a bike(nothing in particular) to get from point A to point B.
Fashionistas/fasionistos Often confused with hipsters, because of a similar style. Does shop at thrift stores but can also be found in expensive, hipster-esque boutiques(wicker park area specifically). Rides fixed gear /SS bikes that look cool. Drinks similar products as hipsters, but is also willing to throw in a few more bucks to get a bottle 312 or something of higher quality.
CyclistsRides a bike for recreational purposes(can also race) and may be in a job that requires bikes(messenger, mechanic, etc). May smoke and drink whatever he/she likes. May have a career/ profession. Interesting people with an awesome hobby. Also includes BMX riders and MTBers.
Other Includes bike collectors, restorers, and those people i see around my 'hood who ride kmart bikes with rusty chains on the sidewalk.

I fall under all but the last one. This is just made up by me. IMO being hipster is not necessarily a bad thing.
stop it and get over yourself.


Its not that serious....nor was it meant in that fashion ,but I like the way you stand in line with everyone one else to throw a jab.

Its called critical thinking, and if you disagree, then disagree agreeable.

Marne Provost said:
One thing I learned from this thread is I hope to never ride/run into blue baron on the street.
Criticize a rider for not being a real rider then calling yourself a good guy, yikes. I think you're looking for fixed gear riders to ride with only to condemn other fixed gear rider.
No, you're not a prick. You come off more as a fucking cunt.

ishnock aka the blue baron said:
I have a prick, but I am not a prick.

notoriousDUG said:
Funny, based on your first few posts I thought the point was you where an elitist prick...

Please tell me what exactly is a 'real' cyclist.

I am anxious to hear this.

ishnock aka the blue baron said:
Pipe down. You didnt have to write a NYT column to express your perception of my written material.

It's just a view, an opinion, nothing more.

Really. Lets focus on the point or main idea of this thread.......Would you like group up with other riders to ride through the metro?

You mad, little doggie?

Don't get so mad next time....Don't let fonts on an electric board cause you to skip your cycle.....

There just words, guy. Go easy on yourself.........

Lets squash this misunderstanding and continue to be free........

Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:
No, you're not a prick. You come off more as a fucking cunt.

ishnock aka the blue baron said:
I have a prick, but I am not a prick.

notoriousDUG said:
Funny, based on your first few posts I thought the point was you where an elitist prick...

Please tell me what exactly is a 'real' cyclist.

I am anxious to hear this.

ishnock aka the blue baron said:
Pipe down. You didnt have to write a NYT column to express your perception of my written material.

It's just a view, an opinion, nothing more.

Really. Lets focus on the point or main idea of this thread.......Would you like group up with other riders to ride through the metro?

My god you're an asshole.

Maybe they're biking BECAUSE THEY LIKE IT. Because they saw someone doing it AND THEY THOUGHT IT LOOKED FUN. I'm sure they didn't see you though, with that metal rod jammed up your ass you can't look too comfortable.

Who the hell are you to point your finger at other people? Are the the 'hipster' judge? I'm sure everyone here has something to offer, and for you to discount them because of some scene you have a prejudice against makes me gag.

You can go ahead and ride by yourself, buddy. You're the only one 'qualified' to do so anyhow.


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