Stakeholders and interested constituents are encouraged to call their federal representatives to request repeal of the SAFETEA-LU rescission, which will have an impact of $289.9 million in Illinois. At this time, transportation funds frequently used for bicycle and pedestrian projects (in addition to highway and transit improvements) are being threatened with these federal rescissions. It is counterproductive for us to work so hard to stimulate our economy by spending the federal transportation funds that came to the region through the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act only to have the federal funds coming through the traditional sources (SAFETEA-LU funds) taken away. Northeastern Illinois has tremendous transportation needs and will not be able to address these as effectively if federal transportation funds are rescinded. Call today to request immediate Congressional action, as the rescission will otherwise take effect on September 30.
The rescission will have a disproportionate impact on bicycling-oriented funds like the Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program, Congestion Mitigation/Air Quality Improvement Program Funds, and Safe Routes to School. IDOT has obligated most of its highway-oriented funds, leaving these funds to rescind (there is no clawback provision for obligated funds).
Again, action is necessary today or Tuesday.
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