I'm leaving my job (voluntarily) in mid-October and thought I'd take a little bike trip before it gets too cold. Any recommendations? I was thinking about circumnavigating Lake Michigan, but wonder if heading south might make for a more comfortable ride, weather-wise.

Also--any ladies here done solo bike touring? I've never really traveled by myself. My co-workers seem to think it is lunacy for a woman to travel alone.

Any advice on either or both of these issues will be much appreciated.

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I am sure people still tour at that time of year around Lake Michigan, but I would not enjoy camping in an average low of 40 degrees. So head South: How about Route 66 bike trail to St Louis (average low in mid october: 50 degrees) and from there the Katy trail to Kansas City. Then take Amtrak back to Chicago.
Route 66 is an on-road bike route which takes the back roads of rural Illinois; the Katy trail is a rail-to-trail conversion, which means limestone. (haven't done it yet, but it high on my list of tours to ride). Friends who have done it told us that it has a high cuteness factor (small towns, b&b's, vineyards, etc)
Travel alone is a good idea for an attractive looking woman, you can be sure I would want to try and manipulate that situation. As far as ideas you could never navigate around the lake in 2 weeks but I think you could make it to Green Bay.
Well, I won't have a lot of commitments on my time, so it doesn't have to be two weeks exactly.

cutifly said:
Travel alone is a good idea for an attractive looking woman, you can be sure I would want to try and manipulate that situation. As far as ideas you could never navigate around the lake in 2 weeks but I think you could make it to Green Bay.
Check out the Adventure Cycling Association. (http://www.adventurecycling.org/) They sponsor a lot of tours, but are really a nice clearing house for information about touring in the US. They also have a number of really great maps available so that you could create your own tour.
Katy Trail ---solo is no problem just take what you need. Sunday M onday and Tuesday has most of the towns closed. I rode (July)from Kansas to St Louis using the katy ( the first 50 was Hiway) If you like wine and histroy it is very enjoyable. Take chain lube as 225 miles of gravel is a little hard on the drive chain. The trail is mostly flat with a small grade from Boonville west. Several times I went 30 miles without seeing another Human.
I can't commit, but there is a great looking path along the Erie canal in New York state. How to get there is another problem. For me, maybe someday. (retirement)
I'm always up for a ride. Biking to Indianapolis in a month or so with a few people. If you wanna get together for some longer rides, hit me up.
I know you've all been waiting on tetherhooks for a follow-up... I decided to take the train to California and spend 3 weeks at the Redwoods National Forest. Thanks everyone for the suggestions!
If money were no object... http://cgnfixed.blogspot.com/2009_06_01_archive.html (scroll around, the author rides from Cologne, Germany to London).

I daydream from time to time about such a ride.


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