So I am contemplating taking a bike camping trip to Skydive Chicago. I hear if you purchase a dive you can camp on premises for free. I have started training already on my commuter bike but need to purchase something for the long trip first which I am finding difficult. If I can find a good touring bike before September I want to make this ride happen. If I can get at least 2 more people we can get a discount on the Skydiving. I am not sure where I wish to start just yet. Leaving from the city it is about 90 miles to the location and I anticipate the trip to be about 10 - 12 hours, planning on getting there the day before and camping then dive the next day and rest camp another night and ride back. Another option would be taking the Metra to Joliet and starting from there which brings the ride down to about 50 miles. Once you get past Joliet it is mostly an easy bike trail ride. Also I have never gone this far before and am anticipating about a 10mph average speed with 1 or 2 stops depending on where I start from. Anyways, is anyone down for this? I am thinking some time in September to do this. Also I need to find a bike as well. I am looking for a Surly Pack Rat 54cm or similar if anyone knows of one for sale. This bike shortage is making this very difficult.

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Replies to This Discussion is in Ottowa, IL, so a practice bicycle camping trip to Starved Rock State Park would work.  Unfortunately, they are usually full Fri / Sat.

Yeah, I looked at that and they are always full. You can camp at skydive Chicago for free as long as your jumping. They have showers, restaurant, electricity, etc.


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