23.4 after the Weather Be Damned ride. extrapolation for 2021: 8541!

Bob Kastigar you did the same thing as last year?

i'm open to someone else starting this thread, but the proper title isn't title case and isn't a question. :-)

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2079.4 miles cycled in 2021 after 422.0 miles (382.8 outdoor / 39.2 indoor) in May.
597 consecutive days cycled since 10/13/2019!

I May admit that this month saw light mileage -- 430 road miles -- bringing me to 1,789 Y-T-D. Now trailing Curt(is)2020 by 1,116 miles.  However, I DID drive to the east coast twice this past month. Furthermore, my first two Perimeter Rides since late November 2020 occurred this Memorial Day weekend. Carry On with Momentum.

1115.8 after the Sixth Step Rain or Shine Divvy-Friendly Ride. extrapolation for 2021: 2288. the (refurbished) king of the mountains is dead. long live the Quick!

3296 outdoor miles ytd

2619.4 miles cycled in 2021 after 540.0 miles (516.8 outdoor / 23.2 indoor) in June.

627 consecutive days cycled since 10/13/2019!

5745 outside miles

At the halfway mark of the 2021 season, I have notched a modest 2,509 road miles with only 9 Perimeter Rides. While June was hardly a swoon, as I did rolled 720 miles, that IS a light month -- almost 500 miles less than Curt(is)2020 and he completed 12 Perimeters alone in 6/2020. I am now trail Curtis(2020) by a full month -- 1,206 miles. While its too early to concede with 6 months on the calendar, these road trips to the east coast to visit my sons are most definitely cutting into my riding time. Priorities.

you're riding back and forth between here and the east coast?

"Road trips" -- driving.

1275.3 after Seventh Step Take It Easy Pierogi Fest Ride. my first PF! extrapolation for 2021 pretty steady, 2270.7.

4143 outdoors miles YTD. But now I have come to a screeching halt as I had to leave my bike at the shop for repair. 

3073.2 miles cycled in 2021 after 453.8 miles (446.4 outdoor / 7.4 indoor) in July.

658 consecutive days cycled since 10/13/2019!


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