I recently reported an abandoned bike on the front gate of my building.
I was expecting it to be tagged then removed, but about 5 days after I reported it was just missing. I walk past it every day on my way in so I'm pretty sure it wasn't tagged then removed by the owner.

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What do you expect ? Consideration, you called and they executed. Maybe someone stole it ?
It was there for about a year, chain falling off--doubt someone would steal.
I expect them to at least tag it, since I don't want someone calling to remove my bike and have it disappear shortly after.
It suspect that in many cases, if a bike appears abandoned, they skip the tagging period. I've worked in the loop for the past four years, and many bikes in similar condition have disappeared from racks without being tagged.

Due to the condition, I highly doubt an owner claimed them. It IS possible that they were stolen, but again, they were in pretty bad shape.
As far as i know the city does not remove bikes from gates, for it is considered private property. I used to have an issue with a neighbor who would get pissed when we locked our bikes to her fence. The police told us that they cannot remove our bikes because it is considered private property. So we locked a shitty ass frame to her fence and it sat their for months until her son sawsalled it off.
If it was private property the owner of the fence probably just had it removed.
Perhaps somebody else noticed it be abandoned and ... yoink!
anyone know what the deal is with locking up to the posts for handicapped reserved parking? some lady yelled at me for trying to do that, so i didn't. she argued that it was "hers" since she pays for it.
wow sounds like typical crazy old lady. I used to live above one as a kid. Once I lost a ball and it rolled down the stairs and tapped her door gently--causing her to shriek: I'll call 911!

gospastic said:
anyone know what the deal is with locking up to the posts for handicapped reserved parking? some lady yelled at me for trying to do that, so i didn't. she argued that it was "hers" since she pays for it.
9-52-070 Parking - Permalink
No person shall park a bicycle upon a street other than upon the roadway against the curb or upon the sidewalk against a rack, parking meter or sign pole to support the bicycle or against a building or at the curb in such manner as to afford the least obstruction to pedestrian traffic.
Added Coun. J. 7-12-90, p. 18634; Amend Coun. J. 7-21-04, p. 28659, § 1

gospastic said:
anyone know what the deal is with locking up to the posts for handicapped reserved parking? some lady yelled at me for trying to do that, so i didn't. she argued that it was "hers" since she pays for it.
Was the lady handicapped? And Im pretty sure that the post would be just as much yours as hers. Im assuming you pay taxes right.

gospastic said:
anyone know what the deal is with locking up to the posts for handicapped reserved parking? some lady yelled at me for trying to do that, so i didn't. she argued that it was "hers" since she pays for it.


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