Although one specific incident did spark this post, it is a constant problem that I'd like to stop.

Don't draft me. I'm sorry if you took it as a challenge when I passed you're carbon bike & lycra outfit, but it wasn't. That happened to be a comfortable pace for me today. Maybe tomorrow you'd kill me while training. I'm just riding. My bike has front & rear racks, fenders, & a bag with a book and tools. I ain't racing on it. If you feel the need to draft me, you'll never be strong enough to win races. Either pass or get dropped.

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I'll admit it, I draft strangers on the path. But really only when I'm dragging after a long commute with weighty panniers and I'm headed back north into a frustrating headwind. I'll be crawling along at like 16 wishing I had brought an extra Clif bar and then Joe Spandex comes along at 18.

In fact, I think it's neat how random strangers can work together like that to overcome an obstacle.

Actually, I almost never do this, but it's what I wish for when I'm running low on blood sugar after a long day.

Really, if you're training or biking for exercise, you shouldn't be drafting unless you're with a group/team. I think those d-bag wannabes get too caught up with their average mph; they get home at the end of the day and then think they're so cool because they kept it above 20, when, really, they were sucking tire most of the way.
I don't get the guys who get all pissed off on the path when they cant go as fast as they want or god forbid have to go around someone on the path. It is my understanding that there is a speed limit on the path. I'm not sure what it is though. Anyway if these lycra wearing fancybois are getting their panties in a bunch they should try using the trail eairly in the morning or stick to the less trafficked areas.
I agree about drafting on the lakefront path and all that stuff, but fer chrissakes stop with the "lycra-clad assholes" bullshit. As someone who can occasionally be seen kitted out on the LFP (because there's nowhere else to train on a Tuesday morning), I object. My ridiculous outfit does not make me a jerk. I'm not defending all of the lakefront pathletes, but the generalizations are starting to get on my nerves.

On the other hand, I will grant that I tend to think all guys in girl jeans on brakeless Schwinn Varsity fixster conversions with Chrome bags and '70s mom sunglasses are douches, so I suppose my position is indefensible...
Hahaha, so right Howard. What else makes up 3% of something yet gets all the glory?

Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to watch A Raptor Being Born(Jurassic Park).

h3 said:
Hey, at least we got them to call it Lycra instead of Spandex.
Incremental progress is still progress . . .

Natalie said:
I agree about drafting on the lakefront path and all that stuff, but fer chrissakes stop with the "lycra-clad assholes" bullshit. As someone who can occasionally be seen kitted out on the LFP (because there's nowhere else to train on a Tuesday morning), I object. My ridiculous outfit does not make me a jerk. I'm not defending all of the lakefront pathletes, but the generalizations are starting to get on my nerves.

On the other hand, I will grant that I tend to think all guys in girl jeans on brakeless Schwinn Varsity fixster conversions with Chrome bags and '70s mom sunglasses are douches, so I suppose my position is indefensible...
when did this forum turn cyclist on each other? Lycra vs hipsters??? Don't we have enough people hateing us cause we are going too fast on the bike path and too slow on the streets. Just two cents worth from a lancewannabelycracladshavedlegswannaberacer.
I'll race a lycra!

Although it will probably be like a Honda vs. a Lambo...
It gets boring after about the the 100th time to say on your left...either have the common sense to behave predictably, or expect to get yelled at when you veer into my path...Hopefully the day will come when you try and grab my wheel and watch me drop you like a sack of potatoes.


Michael Brosilow said:
Ditto Brotha.

mike w. said:
Drafting on the LFP is simply not a good idea. Generally speaking, drafting on any bike path is a really bad idea.

That being said, i have my own rules as to when i will grab a wheel: Never on a path, street/velodrome only, riding behind someone i know, or -and i'll admit it here- to be a jerk.

To be a jerk?? Yeah, hell yeah. i get a bit miffed when some kitted-up racer type (especially people with time trial bars,) blows by within arm's reach without so much as a nod. Now i'm generally a friendly guy and tend to greet passing riders with a "hello" "good morning (evening)" or at least a nod. When they reply in kind, i ususally wish 'em a good day. If they act like i'm a Fred (okay, i'm usually on a pretty Fredly bike,) and ignore me, i'll push it up a notch and hang on like Grim Death, just to piss 'em off. This is especially fun to do to triathlete wannabes.

This happened to me several times during last week's Harmon. Most of the folks who passed me were great and some were even conversational. My fastest riding is years behind me, so i don't take it personally when they leave me behind, but some folks are either just plain rude or too into themselves.

(silence, fixed stare uproad...)
"Well then, F*** you!"
As far as I know there aren't any speed limits on the path, but I hear of a lot of other paths around the country that impose a 15mph limit and actually enforce it. Let's not get to that point.

I often jokingly call the path a "Bike Highway", which is really what it feels like to me most of the time that I use the path. Unlike highways, the users of the path move at drastically different speeds. This is not a big problem when it's not too congested. BUT, like highways, though, you can be cruising along minding your own business, and then suddenly from out of nowhere, there's a lot of traffic--causing you to have to slow down. I think it is just human nature to be frustrated by this--frustrations that can come across as asshole.

And I'll agree with Ali: "it gets boring after about the the 100th time to say on your left"
Well, maybe not *boring*, but tedious. After a while, you start to only get "Left!", and then a while later I stop caring. If there's plenty of room to pass, it really doesn't seem necessary. If it's tight, you'll get plenty of warning. I'm not too into myself, I'm just not that into other people.
i guess the same could be said about calling ppl hipsters that ride fixed. i wear jeans. have a chrome bag. i ride fixed. some times with out breaks. but i dont think that anyone would call me a hipster. not to my face anyway. besides, hipsters are starting to ride mopeds it seems.

Natalie said:
I agree about drafting on the lakefront path and all that stuff, but fer chrissakes stop with the "lycra-clad assholes" bullshit. As someone who can occasionally be seen kitted out on the LFP (because there's nowhere else to train on a Tuesday morning), I object. My ridiculous outfit does not make me a jerk. I'm not defending all of the lakefront pathletes, but the generalizations are starting to get on my nerves.

On the other hand, I will grant that I tend to think all guys in girl jeans on brakeless Schwinn Varsity fixster conversions with Chrome bags and '70s mom sunglasses are douches, so I suppose my position is indefensible...
Joe, you are so totally a hipster - a shaved-head, tattooed-up, meat-eating? hipster.

joe said:
i guess the same could be said about calling ppl hipsters that ride fixed. i wear jeans. have a chrome bag. i ride fixed. some times with out breaks. but i dont think that anyone would call me a hipster. not to my face anyway. besides, hipsters are starting to ride mopeds it seems.

Natalie said:
I agree about drafting on the lakefront path and all that stuff, but fer chrissakes stop with the "lycra-clad assholes" bullshit. As someone who can occasionally be seen kitted out on the LFP (because there's nowhere else to train on a Tuesday morning), I object. My ridiculous outfit does not make me a jerk. I'm not defending all of the lakefront pathletes, but the generalizations are starting to get on my nerves.

On the other hand, I will grant that I tend to think all guys in girl jeans on brakeless Schwinn Varsity fixster conversions with Chrome bags and '70s mom sunglasses are douches, so I suppose my position is indefensible...
Ali said:
It gets boring after about the the 100th time to say on your left...either have the common sense to behave predictably, or expect to get yelled at when you veer into my path...Hopefully the day will come when you try and grab my wheel and watch me drop you like a sack of potatoes.


Sorry that you find common courtesy so boring, Ali.

Just be on the road when and if you do pass me. (On a path, i'd just smile and wave.)

And then if you don't want me on your wheel, just ride away from me. i'd be disappointed in you if you couldn't. ;-)

Peace. Out.
Bob said:
when did this forum turn cyclist on each other? Lycra vs hipsters??? Don't we have enough people hateing us cause we are going too fast on the bike path and too slow on the streets. Just two cents worth from a lancewannabelycracladshavedlegswannaberacer.

So true. After all, we should be united and making fun of the recumbent riders.


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