We have a few threads here and there with introductions, but nothing organized. For this thread, post your picture, pics of your bikes, and a small blurb about yourself (favorite foods, commuting routes, etc).

yes, this was ripped off from chifg...

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Hi I'm Kelli.

I'm not very hard core but want to start riding more...

This is me

This is me avec helmet:

And my sweet $50 Schwinn...

I'm interested in shorter rides (for now), particularly ones that involve drinks and/or are informational. I live way up in Rogers Park so rides near there are good too.

I love Chicago, socializing, drinks, etc. I'd hang out with me if I were someone else.
Aww, Schwinn twins!

Rosa Diaz said:
Kelli, I have the same Schwinn at home. That was my first baby!
hello all! i never opened this thread before yesterday, fearing TONS O PHOTOS would slow my browser too much. but it wasn't so bad, so now i will slow all of YOUR browsers with pictures.

before i begin, a particular welcome to Shay and her blue Peugeot! my first bike was a light blue Peugeot from Working Bikes—also assuming the name must be French, i called it Pierre (even though it was a mixte!).

if it wasn't obvious, i also name my bicycles. they are mostly mens names, but i do have an underused green ladies Schwinn that i call Cadence (sorry, no photos).

i used to have this SWEET trek 1200 named Sancho. i got it via, and rode it across the country with, Bike & Build in 2007. it was mostly stock, though i did add a black Brooks B17s (ladies version), red bar tape, rear rack, and stickers galore.

here we are on a North Side Critical Mass (photo credit: bob kastigar)

i should clarify that i still HAVE Sancho, but a head-on collision snapped the (carbon-fiber) fork and bent the (aluminum) frame in three places. so Sancho's waiting in legal limbo until i get an insurance settlement from the driver who hit me. once that headache is over with, i plan to strip the frame and hang it on my living room wall. (sorry, no photos, too depressing)

these days i am all about my fixed-gear, aka Ichigo, a Fuji Special Road Racer. ichigo got me through winter's EPIC headwinds with a relatively low 47-19 gearing (not to mention full fenders!!), which is perhaps too much spinning (i.e., sweating) for summertime, but what can ya do. these days ichigo has a front rack, but the fenders are off (until it cools off, at least!).

Ichigo and i can be seen on BikeSalute.com (photo credit: Dubi Kaufmann)

here's a picture of me before the 2009 Ride of Silence (photo credit: don sorsa)

and another one by Don Sorsa at this year's Tour de Fat (after taking it, he bragged that he'd managed to get a picture of me with my mouth closed! i guess i AM pretty gregarious...)

i live in bridgeport and work at a restaurant in the loop, usually commuting up halsted to canalport. my home-away-from-home is my boy's place in logan square, though, so i'm just as likely to be haulin' it down milwaukee. i grew up in florida and pennsylvania, and have been in chicago for six years now (cycling for four, doing it all year for three). i like to eat food, all food really, and my favorite drinks include beer, whiskey cokes, and white russians.

i roll with Critical Mass whenever possible, both citywide and local, as well as the Midnight Marauders. i put my biking enthusiasm to work with Break The Gridlock and BikeWinter, and i co-instruct the occasional Basic Maintenance class at West Town Bikes. thanks to my boyfriend's influence, i have been getting into bike polo recently. and of course, you can find me (and ichigo!) in the 2009 TyK pin-up calendar (bonus points if you can identify my legs in the lineup!).

ok, i think that just about covers it! if you see me rolling around, do say hello! don't be afraid to introduce yourself, and please feel free to RE-introduce yourself... i do suffer the occasional bouts of CRS (can't remember, uhm, stuff)... and you know, all you bike people start to look the same after a while :)
Hey Lauren, saw you on Halsted a couple of days back but i didn't wanna honk at ya from the other side of traffic. Here's a belated hi! ;-)
Shay McAllister said:
Hi, guys! My name is Shay. This is me:

I live in Logan Square and work at The University of Chicago.

I'm new to the Chain Link and I'm hoping to find new friends and people to ride with. :)

Hi Shay, just fyi there are a few of us on chainlink at the U of C or in hyde park if you're looking for people to ride with to critical mass or other after work rides. You should also like at the U of C Velo Club.

My name is Matt. I go to college. I'm offering free beer. Visit me - it's a posted discussion. Refer to that for details.
Hey Shay, S is a trusted friend. Just vouching for a pal. ;-) And Matt I hope you found a buddy! ;-)
I should do this...

Hey, I'm DUG! I like hugging lamps after ingesting inappropriate amounts of alcohol...

As well as, from time to time, dressing up after consuming inappropriate amounts of alcohol...

I also like the riding and building of bikes and a whole bunch of normal, and not so normal shit, that most of you probably don't care about what with this being a bicycle type thing here but I'm pretty sure we can all agree I'm freakin' awesome.

Often I ride this:

But I mostly ride my janky old conversion:

I also have this cool old thing for trips to the store:

Beyond that I have a old Fuji road bike I'm not sure what to do with and a couple of more bikes I'm in the middle of building.

Yay bikes!
You know you are sexy Dug! ;-)
I wear steel toes 96% of the time so clips don;t work well for me, that's why I have a brake.

The chain on the tall actually just worked out, I got lucky.

M.A.R.K. said:
Put some toe clips on that Fixed/SS DUG.. Nice work on the chain for the tallbike.. Did you use a half link, or did the chain fit just right? Fortunately on one of mine, the chain fit just right. Before my steerer weld broke anyway.
Hi! I'm Jarrod. This is me and my Lamborghini.....er, I mean bike....

The bike is a '70s Schwinn Varsity that I rebuilt and repainted myself. If you want to know more about me add me on Facebook and mention Chainlink. Facebook.com/thejrod

Hi my name is Jen. I've lived in East Village for far to long. I love old steel road bikes, and other forms of 2 wheel transportation. I can be found slaving away in an office 2 stories below canal street, tearing up the loop steets late at night or falling asleep on my vespa


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