This is a pretty harrowing account of a cyclist who was recently attacked in Humboldt Park.

"RT @pmontoro: Cyclist mugged and nearly killed in Humboldt Park. This
kind of attack is getting popular."
- Chicago Reader (@Chicago_Reader)

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That One!

o0_dan_0o said:
yeah. which one are you?

Chuck a Muck said:
I have been sitting on the side lines reading this post biting my tongue, so here goes...
You want to end these attacks, light a back fire of violence on the gang bangers!
1.Surveillance: Go to check out the map section Identify who runs the area where the attacks are taking place. Start walking the hood during the day. Look for gang graffiti, also get a lay of the land, look for avenues of escape,and ambush, and stash spots for weapons( piles of rubble, golf clubs stashed under porches). Start cruising the hood at night look for where they congregate. Start I.d.'ing the hoods. Wait till early morn and start scoping where they live.
Once you get their habits down and know where the live, ya can start a plan of attack!
2. Attack!
There are 2 avenues of attack you can do.
1. Go for the biggest mfer or the weakest.
2. Property.
I always prefer up close and personal attacks on individuals vs property attacks. Depending on my intel and accessibility of said targets governs whether its the weak or strong who gets hit, usually its the weak, but some times ya get lucky.
When you attack make sure you are swift and blinding in your violence, ie; mace and a small club, break bones! Remember your sending a message so a trip to the hospital is mandatory! Make sure they know why your attacking.
After a few hits send a neutral party out to make peace after all we dont want an all out war.
Once the gang knows why they are getting hit they will sue for peace, after all they got enough problems with the other gangs then worry about you...
No I am this!

Kevin Conway said:
That One!

o0_dan_0o said:
yeah. which one are you?

Chuck a Muck said:
I have been sitting on the side lines reading this post biting my tongue, so here goes...
You want to end these attacks, light a back fire of violence on the gang bangers!
1.Surveillance: Go to check out the map section Identify who runs the area where the attacks are taking place. Start walking the hood during the day. Look for gang graffiti, also get a lay of the land, look for avenues of escape,and ambush, and stash spots for weapons( piles of rubble, golf clubs stashed under porches). Start cruising the hood at night look for where they congregate. Start I.d.'ing the hoods. Wait till early morn and start scoping where they live.
Once you get their habits down and know where the live, ya can start a plan of attack!
2. Attack!
There are 2 avenues of attack you can do.
1. Go for the biggest mfer or the weakest.
2. Property.
I always prefer up close and personal attacks on individuals vs property attacks. Depending on my intel and accessibility of said targets governs whether its the weak or strong who gets hit, usually its the weak, but some times ya get lucky.
When you attack make sure you are swift and blinding in your violence, ie; mace and a small club, break bones! Remember your sending a message so a trip to the hospital is mandatory! Make sure they know why your attacking.
After a few hits send a neutral party out to make peace after all we dont want an all out war.
Once the gang knows why they are getting hit they will sue for peace, after all they got enough problems with the other gangs then worry about you...
Re: commuting from Oak Park, downtown. Various people will tell you stories of how dangerous it is, but believe them not, you should. There's absolutely nothing really wrong with riding down Lake Street, and there's several alternatives if you go further north. Personally, I find the only thing bad about Lake Street is the wind and glass.

In terms of taking critical mass through an area to stop gang violence happening at 2am.... really?
yeah. i don't think voilence curbs violence. remember "huck finn"? what were the names?...anyway, the neighbors hated each other, and they didn't even know why or when it started. it just starts a hate cycle.

be like the whos from whoville. warm the grinch's heart.

if not...send in the robots.

Chuck a Muck said:Remember your sending a message so a trip to the hospital is mandatory! Make sure they know why your attacking.
After a few hits send a neutral party out to make peace after all we dont want an all out war.
Once the gang knows why they are getting hit they will sue for peace, after all they got enough problems with the other gangs then worry about you...
I tend to agree with Mark. As gratifying as it may be to give the perpetrators a taste of their own medicine, the trick when it comes to justice is making sure you have the right person. Going out and looking for trouble is vigilantism. The short term effect is more likely to put more cyclists at risk and escalate a cycle of violence.
Don't get me wrong, if you're assaulted and you have the ability and the means, I'm completely in favor of unleashing the "dogs of hell" on the assailant. But you have to have the right person and your use of force has to be proportionate to the threat.

Mark Kenseth said:
yeah. i don't think voilence curbs violence. remember "huck finn"? what were the names?...anyway, the neighbors hated each other, and they didn't even know why or when it started. it just starts a hate cycle.
be like the whos from whoville. warm the grinch's heart.
if not...send in the robots.

Chuck a Muck said:Remember your sending a message so a trip to the hospital is mandatory! Make sure they know why your attacking.
After a few hits send a neutral party out to make peace after all we dont want an all out war.
Once the gang knows why they are getting hit they will sue for peace, after all they got enough problems with the other gangs then worry about you...
I work with a couple of people who have grown up in Humboldt and one of them still lives there. It's probably just the kids in the neighborhood. He knows all the gangs around the area and said the attacks probably have nothing to do with the gangs. They don't want our petty cash and belongings. We're no threat to them.
so what do they want?

Amber K said:
I work with a couple of people who have grown up in Humboldt and one of them still lives there. It's probably just the kids in the neighborhood. He knows all the gangs around the area and said the attacks probably have nothing to do with the gangs. They don't want our petty cash and belongings. We're no threat to them.
They are just bored assed kids that are looking for trouble.
I have a friend on the west side of the park that said that if the attacks were happening there there would be some trouble for those kids.

Mark Kenseth said:
so what do they want?

Amber K said:
I work with a couple of people who have grown up in Humboldt and one of them still lives there. It's probably just the kids in the neighborhood. He knows all the gangs around the area and said the attacks probably have nothing to do with the gangs. They don't want our petty cash and belongings. We're no threat to them.
True, but it's one of the "dogs of hell!"

h3 said:
Kevin Conway said:

Wrong gang . . .
Brian Kennedy said: What's the reason Critical Mass should go anywhere? An intentionally rhetorical question. h3 said:
1) Because it makes for a better ride than not going anywhere (although a big gathering with no ride would be an interesting thing to try one month).

you may be onto something, sir! next month, let's just host a SIT IN at daley plaza. (gotta do it before it's too cold, though!) i'll bring the hippies if you bring the incense...
I guess it was in the Logan Square fear mongering thread? where an inverted pitchfork was identified as a symbol of a particular gang. This is not correct. There are two Very loose federations of gangs in Chicago, the Folk and the People. Most street gangs affiliate themselves with one or the other. The pitchfork and other devil associated images are used by Folk while "good" images such as the Christian cross are used by the People. Inverted symbols of the opposing federation are often used in a particular gang's graffiti, but these are not so much symbols of who they are, but rather, who they oppose.

I would guess that this dog is probably not even in a gang, but rather just dressed up for Halloween.

h3 said:
Kevin Conway said:

Wrong gang . . .
only its gotta be NO PANTS!

lauren sailor said:
Brian Kennedy said: What's the reason Critical Mass should go anywhere? An intentionally rhetorical question. h3 said:
1) Because it makes for a better ride than not going anywhere (although a big gathering with no ride would be an interesting thing to try one month).

you may be onto something, sir! next month, let's just host a SIT IN at daley plaza. (gotta do it before it's too cold, though!) i'll bring the hippies if you bring the incense...


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