(Back)Yard Sale- Bikey and Non-Bikey Stuff- September 27 2008- 11 am

i'm having a (back)yardsale this weekend. i've got a lot of crap to get rid of and i'm sure there's lots of you that want/need bikey and non-bikey type stuff.
you can probably expect:

cruiser bars
riser bars
wheels (including a Marcus built DEEP-V!!)
bottom brackets
old computers that don't work (one mac laptop one PC desktop- both good for parts)
furniture - bookcase, shitty old chair, lamps, maybe a desk.
maybe a small TV.
winter clothing
summer clothing
a snowboard
snowboard boots
cycling hats
BMX Wheels, Pedals, a Fork, and Handlebars.
and other random crap.

don't ask for me to hold anything, 1st come 1st served.
and their might be a grill. maybe.

2421 W. Arthington St.

here's a taste of what i might have
$80 - Non-machined (but with brake wear) shot peened Velocity Deep-v- 36h- Formula Hub- Marcus Built - Solid.
$10 - Rear track wheel from Performance- needs overhaul. maybe trued.
$20 - Sun Ringle' BFR rim laced 36h to Odyssey Hazard Lite hub- 14mm axle- Front.
$20 - Odyssey Dirt fork with pre-load bolt. 14mm slotted 3/4" dropouts.
$5 - Odyssey drivers- one LHD on RHD- not sure of tooth count or if they take a cog. i think one is 1pc driver, the other is a 10-13t. not sure.
$5 - Primo Meat Tenderizer Pedals - Silver - AL- Unsealed- 9/16"
$20 - Rolf Rear wheel w/paired spokes. Shimano compatible cassette- Needs overhaul and truing.
$Free - $15 - assorted stems.

$80 - iBook with non functional screen. everything else seems to be in good condition.
$50 obo - old Gateway computer w/o harddrive.

+ a whole lotta other crap.

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Replies to This Discussion

Can you make this an event, as well? It'll help people who rely on the calendar for scheduling.

h3 said:
Damn, out of town!
And I could walk to you in 15 minutes (24th/Western here).
Particularly interested in the iBook-- any chance I could swing by tonight?
Edit== oops, Mr. Magoo moment, meant to send that as a comment.
just to be sure and clarify, you are aware that the monitor does not work.
h3 said:
Dead display common problem on iBook G4s.
Dead video circuitry common problem on iBook G3s.

Curvedwallride said:
h3 said:
Damn, out of town!
And I could walk to you in 15 minutes (24th/Western here).
Particularly interested in the iBook-- any chance I could swing by tonight?
Edit== oops, Mr. Magoo moment, meant to send that as a comment.
just to be sure and clarify, you are aware that the monitor does not work.

how do i PM/Whisper on this silly forum?
anyway, yea, tonight should be fine after 9.
To whisper/PM, add that person as a friend and then every time you see their icon there'll be a 'send message' link.

Curvedwallride said:
h3 said: how do i PM/Whisper on this silly forum?
anyway, yea, tonight should be fine after 9.
any bike saddles for sale?
To delete your number you have to delete your post - click the little x to the right of the text.

h3 said:
Well, I plastered my phone number on the internet because I needed a call, was away from home most of the evening.
As long as that call didn't happen, could I get my number edited out of this thread please?

To whisper/PM, add that person as a friend and then every time you see their icon there'll be a 'send message' link
That's actually pretty substandard- it should be possible to send a personal message to anyone on the forum.
nope, i can't go in an edit comments. h3 can delete both posts if he'd like.

M.A.R.K. said:
I was gunna suggest that, but he cant delete the other guys post with his number in the response.. can you not do it for him?


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