My road bike is in need of some work. Any reccomendations on bike shops?

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Any bike shop does them, in fact they have different levels (basic to complete overhaul). Do your research, they can get pretty pricey. Most shops offer a free one with a bike purchase, that's what I am relying on until I learn a bit more about fine tuning a couple of them there gadgets.
they go as far as ultrasonic cleaning! I am not sure when you would ever need that, but it was only $8 more at the trek shop on Michigan ave where I just dropped coin to get my bike ready for winter.
For a long time Johnny Sprockets was my go-to place (I used to live right by there), although as I'm getting more comfortable tinkering with my bike I'm doing some things on my own. What are you looking to get done?
What does a "tune up" include?
What is it they do in the store that you can not do by yourself?
Is there a standard check list for a tune up?
Since I recently bought a new bike, I've been going to Roscoe Village Cycles where i bought it. They actually provide two free tuneups, which is very nice. I'll probably take mine in next week for it.

I don't know what exactly is done during a tuneup. I definitely need to learn more about how to fix my bike on the fly.
I was told that if you buy your bike at Performance on Diversey/Halsted you get lifetime tune ups.... I bought my bike at On the Route and they give 1 free tune up.
I go to my living room for a tune up, although it's easier to true a wheel in my kitchen.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but a full tune up would include cleaning/regreasing any joints that need grease (headset, BB), running new shifter/brake cables/housing, truing wheels, cleaning/aligning derailleurs, and probably a good cleaning. (they probably clean it first.)

Running new cables and housing is easy to do on your own (if it's your first time, go to West Town Bikes on a Tuesday, prepare to be there for 2-3 hours and ask questions; 10 dollar sug. don.). Truing wheels is more of an art/science that takes practice and patience. But it's possible. Same suggestion: West Town Bikes (if it's your first time, allot one night for each). Aligning derailleurs, making them shift smoothly is maybe slightly less complicated, but you could do it with a little help.

Having it done by professionals is more convenient, but it's more expensive and you don't get any smarter. That being said, I love taking my bike to Rapid Transit in the Winter for the Winter Tune and just having them do everything. It's 150 bucks for the whole winter, but they'll do any labor whenever it needs it: you just pay for parts. It's nice to keep your bike clean and lubed in the winter.


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