Sorry about that flier. Hope it did not offend any friends in Chicago.


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Hey Brian, one of our regular BTT riders works for Ford and will be living in Chi-town next Summer. A bunch of us plan on spending a weekend with him and riding a special Chicago ride while there. Hope you can help coordinate that.

Brian Kennedy said:
Welcome, Andy. In response to a question Stewski asked in a post last week about somebody leading a tour of Detroit, I asked Andy to join chainlink. Andy is an extremely experienced cyclist who leads free weekly tours of Detroit and has no financial interest in mentioning The Double D. He's a friend of mine from Detroit and a cycling advocate. I'm promise we'll keep most of our Detroit chatter in our group but this is going to be a GREAT event. For what it's worth, I'm trying to get the gang from the D over here for Critical Mass.

The first D (Beat the Train Ride) is free and the second D (Tour de Troit) is $30. Tour de Troit is in the events calendar if you would like to know more about it.

For anybody budget minded like me, I got a room at the Hilton Garden Inn (built new for the Superbowl a few years ago) downtown on Priceline for $50 and round-trip transportation on the Megabus for $15. That's right, I'm a big roller. I'm going to take a bike on Megabus in a bag and hope they accept it, as Joe swears they will.
some times they dont like to accept it..but i have a loop hole...u just tell them u came in from detroit with the bike for work a week ago and they have no choice to take u back. they will ask for your ticket # but u just tell them they u dont have it. it was a week ago..some bus drivers are dicks. ive only had 2 like that in about 100 trips.


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