a big fat zero. at this rate, that will be my total for this year, too!

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It's Like That -- Run DMC

Return to home base.

719.7 after Dark Lord Day (and Fifth Step) Ride, extrapolation for 2018 up to 1889.9 

1626 miles (all outdoor) through May.

151 consecutive days cycled in 2018. Also trying to keep the average mileage above 10 miles per day. 

I made 582 miles in May, 1561 total for the year so far.

May was a good month for me.

1014.4 miles and 9 Perimeter Rides in May.

3,606.2 miles and 21 Perimeters Y-T-D.

To break it down, that's 2,282 miles outside + 1,324.2 hamster miles Y-T-D.

Which has me a mere 22.5 miles but 6 PRs behind last year's pace.

1723 outdoor (shooting for 6,000); 719 hamster

1926 miles (all outdoor) through the first half of 2018.

181 consecutive days cycled in 2018, keeping the average mileage above 10 miles per day (although at 300 miles biked in June, just barely!)


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