Trying to keep my fixie sparse, not finding perfect solution, need exact feedback.

Snapped in holder, non-minimal.
Stowed in backpack, not always brought.
Worn on self, risk to bones.

Saw someone's carried seemingly just locked through frame, from behind seat through triangle, but can't figure out how.
Am considering velcros, maybe a flange off the seat stay, or changing to cable.

Do tell, photo encouraged.

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Good point. Mini improves carry options.
I've seen people carry their mini lock on their belt. Here is one example of a holder.
I have one of the longer, narrow U-locks, and I can lock it around the top tube with the bottom of the lock sitting on the tube connecting the seat stays. The top of the lock is above the top tube; one side goes to the right of the top/seat junction and the other goes to the left. The lock is just narrow enough that I don't rub against the lock and it seems to stay put even on Lake St. YMMV with different frame geometries and locks.

I've also seen the long locks passed through the horizontal bars on the saddle and then locked at the very top of the triangle.

Will post a photo tomorrow if someone doesn't beat me to it.
A mini is almost like a pair of brass Knuckles too !!!!!! Or Maybe a boomerang that does not come back to you.
Don't switch to a cable- way to easy to cut. Whenever I got out on the bike and don't want to carry a bag, I just stick my mini u-lock under my belt on my back. I hate the way it feels in my pocket, like a lot of others carry it, but don't mind so much under my belt. And it stays put just fine as long as my belt isn't loose.
start a new fashion trend and wear it as a bracelet....just kidding.

Mine always goes between my ghetto shorts and bike shorts. Oh...and a belt is a must too.

A solution I have found is an item I purchase at the flea market (Maxwell St and Swaporama). It is a stretchy material with one velcro (hook) edge. You can just cut it into any size or length. Normally it's used in weightlifting, I think, to wrap about the torso. I use it to attach things like U locks and pumps to the frame and to prevent scratching my paint jobs on racks. About $5-10.
a few companies makes an awesome small size ulock holster...

Mine locks to the cargo rack nicely--I'll show you on Friday

I put mine in my u-lock holster. It rocks.


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