18.6 after the Unofficial New Year's Day "Weather Be Damned" Ride. 39 °F and i needed my sunglasses!

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With September's song sung, I spun 1,316 miles with 11 Perimeters to hit 8,509.3 miles and 64 Perimeters y-t-d. While I failed to trim the lead that my 2016 mileage performance maintains (still 186.7 miles behind), I am now 15 Perimeter Rides ahead of last year's pace.

2172 after the Tenth Step Ride. saw a deer, got snowed on, rode with a raptor.

I'm about 50 miles shy of 1400 miles this year. My goal is to reach at least 1500. Last year I think I went slightly over 1000.

Far enough.  I need to ride farther.

Having rocked October, with a Personal Best of 5 consecutive Perimeter Ride Days (10 on the month and 74 Y-T-D), I have equaled my total for last year's circumnavigations with two months to spare. However, in total mileage I have fallen back, currently at 9,641 miles, 314 miles behind 2016 at this mark. The path to surpassing 2016 is riding hard through December, which is doable.

i'll be lucky if i get in 314 total in dec. and you want to do 314 extra!

is a goal of 100 perimeters too crazy?

Yes, 100 Perimeters IS crazy at this point. It would require some continued remarkable climate change. As to the additional December mileage, since I only rode 258 miles last December, I should be able to improve upon that.

ok, crazy for this year.  :-)

Slightly over 5300 as of 11/5.

2249.9 after 71.55 on the Eleventh Step Ride. wind chill 16 when we started! i'm glad i remembered my bubble wrap layer. 

3068 as of today, mostly commuting miles. I hope I can make it to 3500, but it will be difficult with the holidays approaching.

A little over 4100 recorded miles on Strava. The bulk of that commuting miles from Edgewater to the loop. Might make 5K for the year if I do a few weekend centuries in the next 6 weeks. 


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