Just bouncing this up here for more visibility.


From the article at http://www.suntimes.com/news/transportation/1697498,CST-NWS-ride03a...

In the next few weeks, local police commanders, parking enforcement aides and the mayor's "Bicycling Ambassadors" will be talking to motorists and bicyclists in the 25th Ward, which includes Pilsen, and the 44th Ward, which includes Lake View.

The campaign begins Friday in the 25th Ward. Police officers and bicycling ambassadors will issue warnings to cyclists who ride through red lights and provide information regarding the rules of the road. Police will patrol bike lanes and ticket motorists who stop or park in the bike lane or open their door into traffic.

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Yep, we'll see.
...and, in other news, murder statutes will be enforced between August 9 and August 14 in the 32nd ward, in an on-going effort to reduce the homicide rate city-wide.
I hope it helps.
Nah, hahaha, who am I kidding?
But I really do hope it helps.
I did confirm this using a packet sniffer.

I wish they enforced the having lights when it's dark law. I know you no-lighters are out there, maybe even here. that is a chicago law right?
XV said:
I wish they enforced the having lights when it's dark law. I know you no-lighters are out there, maybe even here. that is a chicago law right?
front light, rear reflector
Some enforcement of the lights law does happen: last year and earlier this summer (and due to be repeated soon), the Bicycle Ambassadors, the 1st and 32nd wards, the 14th and 12th police districts, and the Wicker Park Bucktown SSA have done bike light advisories. We give away lights to those who don't have them. Photos from June:
That's funny, I live in the 32nd ward and I saw a cop on a bike the other night w/ no lights whatsoever.

payton said:
Some enforcement of the lights law does happen: last year and earlier this summer (and due to be repeated soon), the Bicycle Ambassadors, the 1st and 32nd wards, the 14th and 12th police districts, and the Wicker Park Bucktown SSA have done bike light advisories. We give away lights to those who don't have them. Photos from June:
HAHAHAHAHAHA, I think i just had an accident. ;-)

Ian said:
...and, in other news, murder statutes will be enforced between August 9 and August 14 in the 32nd ward, in an on-going effort to reduce the homicide rate city-wide.


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