Alright folks, here it is

Alright, the long-awaited Chicago-Milwaukee ride that all the kids are abuzz about is here. Milwaukee 1.0 back in April was a smashing success this will likely be the last Milwaukee ride I host before I move back out to Boston so let's make it snappy, eh?

There will be two categories:

racers and rollers (everyone else.)

First, the rollers. this is a social and fun ride so no one should be daunted by the 80 mile distance. If you can ride 25 continuous miles, you can definitely ride up to Milwaukee with us. The route largely follows amtrak/ metra routes so if you get ill or something there's plenty of bail points, which we will map out for you. Basically, if you're a first time to milwaukee (or first time distance rider) all you have to do is show up at the start with a functioning bike and we'll do the rest, I'll post route maps, bail points and suggested rest stops in this link. Invite your friends, the more the merrier!

We will leave Chicago at 7 AM. That means we will meet at our mass start (the starbucks at 5300 n clark) at 630. We will end the ride at Palomino's pub in Milwaukee for beers and fried pickles/lunch (veggie-friendly) Also, I will call ahead and reserve us some spots at the sprecher brewery tour for those who are interested. Hopefully, some of our milwaukee brothers and sisters will amtrak down from milwaukee friday night, crash in chicago and ride up with us saturday. Also, hopefully others will meet up with us IN milwaukee for bike-related hijinx.

RETURN TRIP: If you're really intrepid bike back. failing that amtrak service to chicago is like 20 bucks (plus a fee for a bike box, which they provide)

racers: New for milwaukee 2.0 is the racer category. If you like to roll light and fast let's have a friendly competition. Everyone who wants to race will chip in a predetermined amount into a pot, pot is won by first person to palominos (I think we should all follow the same route to keep things sporting but would be amenable to a "whoever gets there first by whatever route they want" style as well.

My summer is almost totally booked up, so I propose July 18th.

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I searched through and found cheaper options though not in the downtown area. I'm somehow doubting there are any cheap central city hotels in Milwaukee. One of the things I miss about Europe is all the hostels which seemed to be present in any city of consequence.
Sorry, buddy. If I do this I think I'll turn into a drooling lunatic that appears to need rabies shots with my eyeballs crossed and my face screwed up into a painful expression of overexertion while I'm spinning madly the whole way on the Raleigh beast. Almost without a doubt I would ride back to Kenosha on Saturday in time to catch a Metra home.

envane x said:
Anyone know a cheap hotel near downtown?
Anyone looking to split a hotel room?

At $40 for Amtrak tickets, its probably better to get a room and then bike back the next day. And you can ride the Metra partways for $5.

Sunday Metra schedual:

Kenosha (WI) LV 6:49 8:49 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 6:49 ----
Winthrop Harbor (IL) 6:57 8:57 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 6:57 ----
Zion 7:02 9:02 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 7:02 ----
Waukegan 7:10 9:10 11:10 12:10 2:10 4:10 5:10 7:10 10:10

(Also see discussion on the event page)
Palominos appears to be somewhat on the southside of Milwaukee. Its pretty close to the airport and lots of hotels that are somewhat less expensive than the downtown ones.

Also, I've never been to Milwaukee, but from what I gather, this is generally a safe area?
$15 for the box $5 "bike handing fee"

Contact Ben's Cycles some time this week and see if they might be able to hook you up with boxes. (But remember to bring long bungee cords, hehe.)

Jared said:
Bike boxes really cost $25? Yikes. Too bad Metra doesn't go up to Milwaukee. Staying the night and taking Metra from Kenosha for $5.00 is looking more enticing.

This is the closest place per Google Maps that's not downtown.

$89 for a 2 person room.
$119 for a 3 person room.
$129 for a 4 person room.

Is anyone seriously interested in this?
I'm likely to go with the numbers—if everyone hits Amtrak I'll do that, if there's a movement toward a hotel and a ride to Metra Sunday I'll do that, especially if I can get a quarter of a room for cheap.
It looks like I can't go on this trip, but when I visited Milwaukee in March I used Priceline and got a room in the Marriott for about $50. It was right downtown.

The summer season might be more popular, but I've gotten very good deals using sites like that.
Okay everyone. It's almost here. Sorry for being Mia but I'm working 2 jobs so those come first. If you plan on doing this ride please email me at cgilbe1 at gmail. Include whether you wanna race and whether you will leave from the mass start as well as YOUR CELL. I plan to do all the logstical details via email. Much easier. I will try to pull together the map by tomorrow. Basically shridan to highland park then th bike trail up to th naval academy then Sheridan till Kenosha then rural routes. Smash is comin down from mke just to ride with us so if anyone wants we can grab some brews fri night.
Trying to answer a few questions about Milwaukee for y'all...

Yes, Milwaukee is definitely safe. Well, the areas we will be in anyway. Rough areas tend to be highly concentrated in Milwaukee, and we won't have any reason to go near any of those.

As for hotels, I was told once that you can get great deals on downtown hotels by using Priceline and bidding on 3.5 star hotels. Usually you can go as low as $40. The key is 3.5 stars; there's a recently renovated hotel that's considered 4 stars (The Ambassador) but it's pretty far out of the way and the surrounding area is not very nice.

There's also The Plaza Hotel which is about two blocks from my apartment downtown; from what I understand it's pretty decent price-wise. If anyone stays there I could stow your bikes in my apartment so you don't have to worry about leaving them out or sneaking them into your room. :) I would offer to house people in my place but I don't have a lot of space for people AND bikes.

That being said, it's festival season in Milwaukee (Festa Italiana this weekend!) so downtown hotels may be booked anyway.

I took people on a mini-tour of the city last time before the last train home, and I can do that again if anyone is interested. It would probably add about 5-10 miles onto your mileage for the day. Obviously we can play it by ear.

Looking forward to the ride and to Palomino - Chris, I actually ended up randomly riding bikes one night with that gorgeous waitress that works there. She can really haul!
which one? they are all gorgeous! make sure to introduce me, he said, smoothing back his hair. okay dude. me, casey and juan are raCING UP. hopefully be in before lunchtime?

Smash said:
Trying to answer a few questions about Milwaukee for y'all...

Yes, Milwaukee is definitely safe. Well, the areas we will be in anyway. Rough areas tend to be highly concentrated in Milwaukee, and we won't have any reason to go near any of those.

As for hotels, I was told once that you can get great deals on downtown hotels by using Priceline and bidding on 3.5 star hotels. Usually you can go as low as $40. The key is 3.5 stars; there's a recently renovated hotel that's considered 4 stars (The Ambassador) but it's pretty far out of the way and the surrounding area is not very nice.

There's also The Plaza Hotel which is about two blocks from my apartment downtown; from what I understand it's pretty decent price-wise. If anyone stays there I could stow your bikes in my apartment so you don't have to worry about leaving them out or sneaking them into your room. :) I would offer to house people in my place but I don't have a lot of space for people AND bikes.

That being said, it's festival season in Milwaukee (Festa Italiana this weekend!) so downtown hotels may be booked anyway.

I took people on a mini-tour of the city last time before the last train home, and I can do that again if anyone is interested. It would probably add about 5-10 miles onto your mileage for the day. Obviously we can play it by ear.

Looking forward to the ride and to Palomino - Chris, I actually ended up randomly riding bikes one night with that gorgeous waitress that works there. She can really haul!
I got $5 on dominguez- have fun guys, wish I could roll.

Chris said:
which one? they are all gorgeous! make sure to introduce me, he said, smoothing back his hair. okay dude. me, casey and juan are raCING UP. hopefully be in before lunchtime? Smash said:
Trying to answer a few questions about Milwaukee for y'all...

Yes, Milwaukee is definitely safe. Well, the areas we will be in anyway. Rough areas tend to be highly concentrated in Milwaukee, and we won't have any reason to go near any of those.

As for hotels, I was told once that you can get great deals on downtown hotels by using Priceline and bidding on 3.5 star hotels. Usually you can go as low as $40. The key is 3.5 stars; there's a recently renovated hotel that's considered 4 stars (The Ambassador) but it's pretty far out of the way and the surrounding area is not very nice.

There's also The Plaza Hotel which is about two blocks from my apartment downtown; from what I understand it's pretty decent price-wise. If anyone stays there I could stow your bikes in my apartment so you don't have to worry about leaving them out or sneaking them into your room. :) I would offer to house people in my place but I don't have a lot of space for people AND bikes.

That being said, it's festival season in Milwaukee (Festa Italiana this weekend!) so downtown hotels may be booked anyway.

I took people on a mini-tour of the city last time before the last train home, and I can do that again if anyone is interested. It would probably add about 5-10 miles onto your mileage for the day. Obviously we can play it by ear.

Looking forward to the ride and to Palomino - Chris, I actually ended up randomly riding bikes one night with that gorgeous waitress that works there. She can really haul!
I agree with Josh. If Juan can keep up with strong geared riders on a heavy fixie cruiser, he's gonna haul ass on a light geared bike.

Have fun everyone. I'll be stuck in a car all day tomorrow.

DonRay A.K.A. Zesty said:
I got $5 on dominguez- have fun guys, wish I could roll.

Chris said:
which one? they are all gorgeous! make sure to introduce me, he said, smoothing back his hair. okay dude. me, casey and juan are raCING UP. hopefully be in before lunchtime? Smash said:
Trying to answer a few questions about Milwaukee for y'all...

Yes, Milwaukee is definitely safe. Well, the areas we will be in anyway. Rough areas tend to be highly concentrated in Milwaukee, and we won't have any reason to go near any of those.

As for hotels, I was told once that you can get great deals on downtown hotels by using Priceline and bidding on 3.5 star hotels. Usually you can go as low as $40. The key is 3.5 stars; there's a recently renovated hotel that's considered 4 stars (The Ambassador) but it's pretty far out of the way and the surrounding area is not very nice.

There's also The Plaza Hotel which is about two blocks from my apartment downtown; from what I understand it's pretty decent price-wise. If anyone stays there I could stow your bikes in my apartment so you don't have to worry about leaving them out or sneaking them into your room. :) I would offer to house people in my place but I don't have a lot of space for people AND bikes.

That being said, it's festival season in Milwaukee (Festa Italiana this weekend!) so downtown hotels may be booked anyway.

I took people on a mini-tour of the city last time before the last train home, and I can do that again if anyone is interested. It would probably add about 5-10 miles onto your mileage for the day. Obviously we can play it by ear.

Looking forward to the ride and to Palomino - Chris, I actually ended up randomly riding bikes one night with that gorgeous waitress that works there. She can really haul!


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