Wendy Gaddey
  • Female
  • Waukegan, IL
  • United States
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  • greg balmes
  • Mike the Veloist
  • Stuart Joshua Holt
  • Barry T

Wendy Gaddey's Page

Profile Information

What I ride:
Road, Mountain, Cyclocross, Track
The kind of riding I do:
Recreational, Exercise

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At 7:35pm on April 2, 2009, Jim "Niterider" said…
So Hello again Wendy. How was Cali? Did you get some sun? Welcome back to wet, cold, windy, and rainy Waukegan. So how has life been treating you? I answered your questions that you asked me last time. I take it you have been busy with work and what not. I have been busy riding when it is not raining or snowing. Sat is looking like a good day for riding since it will be dry and in the 50's. You stuck working on Sat? I hope to be off but who knows. Hope to here from you Soon. Jim
At 8:41pm on March 13, 2009, Jim "Niterider" said…
Sorry to hear that you are are scared of the water Wendy. Did you have a near drowning when you were younger? I have have plenty of close calls out diving and have come close to dying a few times. I do not blame you if you do not want to go swimming. Lake Michigan is more like an ocean than a lake, and will not think twice about killing you. So much for surfing when you get to Cali. And yes Psycho is a name I have heard a few times when I do go out in the Lake in winter and spring, I will take that as a positive! Have you been getting bulky in the last couple of months? What is your max output in watts? Are you hitting the high score or does Francine get it? Most I have been able to bang out was around 950-1200 in the begining of the season. How's your VO2 MAX. You got lungs like a Hoover or lungs like a Dyson? Dysons will suck the carpet pad up they are so powerful. So what is your speciality in life? What do you do? Professional-nurse, doctor, lawyer, realtor, banker, sales, etc. My guess is a single professional, no kids yet. So if you live in Waukegan, I bet I go past your house on the way home. Small world, HAHAHA. Have a day!
At 8:05pm on March 13, 2009, Jim "Niterider" said…
Hello Wendy, Glad you are heading to Cali. Hopefully you will have a good time. Get lot's of sun, and hit those hills! As for my rides of choice, it will depend what I will be doing. If it is on the road I will take out the Bianchi road bike or my Trek cross bike. I weigh in at 240 lbs, so me on a road bike looks plenty funny to see. If I am riding off-road than I will be on my Santa Cruz Chamleon hardtail. If it is going to be all day riding than I will be riding on a dualie: Cannnondale Jekel 1000 or my Klein Mantra. If I will be free riding than I will ride my Trek Session. Urban and around town, my Sinister Ridge. 2.5 Hookworm tires, 40-48 lbs bike. It is posted on my photos, take a look. I have a new Townie that I won at Turin this year to add to the bikes. I also like to ride my BMX bikes around town. I have several of these I ride and a few frame sets that are waiting to be built. Mostly 24" wheeled stuff. No, I never got on Facebook. I am always going and am rarely home. When I do not ride, I weightlift, do kickboxing and swimming and diving. In winter, I go snow shoeing on the cross-country trails at Parkside and ride my rollers or my 'bent on a trainer and swim out in Lake Michigan.
As for commuting, I enjoy doing long distance rides so when the weather is nice I ride into Chicago for work from Kenosha 3-4 times a week. It is 60-65 miles one way. For me it is about a 3-4 1/2 hour comute unless I do not stop than it is 3 1/2 on a road bike. I work third shift building maintence/security near the South Loop. If I am too tired to ride home in the morning, I will take the late train to Waukegan and have to than ride only 18 miles home. I am lucky I think since my boss does not care if I ride in. I lock my ride up and go about my job. I log in between 400-600 miles a week riding. If I take the train in bound, than the ride is only 5-7 miles from Metra which is easy even on a 24" BMX bike! Trust me I get the stares on the train depending on what I have with me for rides. I am overly single since 3rd shift destroys anytime you have to be around 1st shifters and "normal" people . Most people are sleeping when I am working, when I am sleeping every one for the most part is working! On my days off I stay up to maintain my sanity. That is why I am the "niterider" sticks to me.
At 2:00am on March 13, 2009, Barry T said…
there'll never be another you
At 9:37pm on March 4, 2009, Jim "Niterider" said…
Hello again Wendy. You need to post some of your bike photo's of you in action. I would imagine Francine has been getting you ladies ready for racing by riding trainers and rollers. Do you swim also Wendy? The comon compliant that I always hear from gals is they get a big ass on them from biking. I try to tell them that is normal but they say I am full of crap. Swimming helps to even this out you ask me. I was out swimming in Lake Michigan on Moday and thought I saw you. I was in my dry suit looking tough! Water was only 35 F at surface. You should see the looks that I got from people on the beach. The gal that I thought that may have been you was riding in Alberto's gear on a Moots cross' bike. She was chearing for me and said that I looked like I was cold. I told her that I was like a baked potato on the inside. Only item that was cold was my face. I needed to get out since riding inside is getting to me. I have rode almost 3,000 miles over the last 3 1/2 months and am ready for some outside ass kickings to begin. What bikes do you currently own? I usually know the rider by bike before face. If that was you you looked buff and tuff! I do not know anyone around here that rides all year. You looked like 140-150 lbs. You had on lobbster claw mitts, a pair of Sidi winter boots, LG tights. Yellow/black Giyro road helmet. You impressed the hell out of me. And I will take you up on the shot bloks next time I am by. Nothing is ever open early in Highland Park. You gals have to try night riding; you do not know what you are missing. Neat being out on St. Mary's and seeing all of the cool animals. March is hear now and maybe I being seeing ya soon on the road. Jim
At 11:20pm on February 7, 2009, Jim "Niterider" said…
Congrats, The Chic Train has arrived! So Wendy, you and the gals are all joining the Chainlink. Welcome, I ride past Alberto's all the time coming back from Chicago. Wish you were open at 3:30 a.m., I would stop in and buy some Cliff bars and bloks. I am sure I will run into you folks out on St. Mary's road hauling ass, and making a scene. I ride out this way coming in from Kenosha going south. I
I know Franco Pandino from the Kenosha Velodrome, he represents the shop well and is a great guy to know. Get out and ride this Tuesday as it will be almost 60 F. I hope to down that way; maybe I will stop in. See ya, Jim

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