
Vegan Bikers Arise

We Ride & We eat Yummy Vegan food.

Members: 76
Latest Activity: Mar 30, 2016

Discussion Forum

Help with ideas for Restaurant or Store 10 Replies

Anyone know a Vegan Chef?  I would prefer a Vegan Chef since I am planning on opening a Vegan restaurant / store.  This is only in "idea (planning) stage."  The goal is to buy a retail space first…Continue

Started by Banshee: 12-15mi. Last reply by Banshee: 12-15mi Apr 28, 2013.

Every one of you needs to watch this 3 Replies  Apathy needs to die Spread thisContinue

Started by Fat Tire Frank. Last reply by Banshee: 12-15mi Apr 18, 2013.

Need Volunteers who care about the Chicago Food System

I work for Food Tank an awesome organization focused on feeding the world better. We research and highlight environmentally, socially, and economically sustainable ways of alleviating hunger, obesity…Continue

Started by April Apr 16, 2013.

Benefit Ride for some pretty sweet animals at a pretty sweet animal sanctuary 1 Reply

My vegan friend is organizing this. sounds uber fun. I'll be there.  Contact Gill for details and facebook info. Peace 2-Day Fox River Trail Benefit Bike Ride for Wedrose AcresDate: Saturday October…Continue

Tags: sanctuary, animal, Benefit

Started by Sophs. Last reply by Yoav Kashiv Aug 27, 2011.

Comment Wall


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Comment by Erin Rensink on August 19, 2011 at 4:36am

Yes!  Loving Hut!  I visited the one in SF recently and it was delish! 

Does anyone else in this group have children?

Comment by Liam on August 6, 2010 at 6:20am
the new and improved Loving Hut is still at the same location. They opened up the place quite a bit and added some modern decor; its pretty nice.
Comment by Minku VeganPedicab on August 5, 2010 at 11:35am
Haven't been to Loving Hut since they changed their name from Alice & Friends. I'd be up for a group ride there!
Comment by Liam on August 2, 2010 at 8:31am
Hey all, has anyone thought about a ride/dinner outing for this month? Some suggestions: Amitabul, Arya Bhavan, Loving Hut, Ethiopian Diamond - all great eats and fairly accessible.

Alternatively, being on the northside right off loyola park, I thought a vegan bbq with all the fixings, frisbee, swimming, etc. would also be fun. Any thoughts?
Comment by Minku VeganPedicab on May 20, 2010 at 4:42pm
Chicago Vegan Co-op is alive and kickin'-- We're doing bulk orders of vegan food & other stuff, once a month, and raising money to open up a cooperative store & more in the future!

Get on the email list: ChiVeganCoop@gmail
Comment by Jackie on April 19, 2010 at 9:34am
Hey, anyone going to the Vegan Co-op/Bulk Buying meeting at Veggie Bite tomorrow? I figured I'd post a link to the facebook page to help spread the word. Hopefully I'll see you there!
Comment by Josh Catrambone on April 9, 2010 at 8:28am
We can host here at Locked out. I would also love to help cook, if you need it. The only actual pairing I had was at Charlie Trotters. I was smoking a joint behind his restaurant with a friend and he invited us in for a 5 course pairing for free. It was unbelievable.
Comment by rik on April 9, 2010 at 6:53am
Let me see if I got this right.
We need 5 dishes and 5 matching drinks.
Seri97 can provide a place- sounds like a nice ride.
so next we have to divide up the rest.
Comment by Seri97 on April 9, 2010 at 6:01am
Chris-If you are looking for a place to house this, I am offering up my pad..I live in Park Ridge, about a 12 mile bike ride from Roscoe Village.
Comment by Christopher Burke Ellis on April 9, 2010 at 5:56am
multi-course pairing dinner: a fancy pants meal consisting of multiple courses (appetizer, light course, another light course, main course, desert), each paired with an appropriate beer (or wine).

Members (76)


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