North~Side Critical Mass


North~Side Critical Mass

For those that would like to lead a ride,map,and or just don't like the C.C.M. because of different reasons. Come join our HAPPY - FRIDAY Spirt! !! We have music, dogs in baskets,trailers of signs & music, but most of all we have a chuck wagon! :-)

Location: Clark/Ridge/Thorndale @ the young Lincoln
Members: 177
Latest Activity: May 1, 2019

Discussion Forum

NSCM Retrospective 1 Reply

Started by Andrew Bedno. Last reply by Andrew Bedno Sep 11, 2014.

Increased heavy fine for riding on sidewalk on Sheridan Road 1 Reply

Started by Bob Kastigar. Last reply by Eliezer Appleton Sep 10, 2013.

5/11/12 North Side CritMass! 3 Replies

Started by Jera Sue. Last reply by Bob Kastigar May 10, 2013.

Comment Wall


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Comment by h' Zerocats on March 16, 2010 at 4:44pm
I rode from my house (addison and broadway) to Hegewisch and back over the summer and stopped for water and a flat and a slice of cherry pie yet was home within 4 hours - like 65 miles round trip....Its a sweet ride
Comment by Aaron Bussey on March 16, 2010 at 4:39pm
I rode from my house (addison and broadway) to Hegewisch and back over the summer and stopped for water and a flat yet was home within 4 hours - like 65 miles round trip....Its a sweet ride
Comment by h' Zerocats on March 16, 2010 at 4:38pm
Well, Tony, maybe you'll tyake confort in knowing that virtually no-one reads down past the first page of comments. Those joining this discussion now will only know that you were mad, Rik is a bad person for unknown reasons, and everyone wants to be Aaron's bicycle seat.

As to editing-- you can delete others' comments but not edit. Although if you could it might be pretty hilarious . . .
Comment by Hector on March 16, 2010 at 4:33pm
Well it is clear that we all are passionate about NSCM and riding bikes.
It makes me proud to be a cyclist!
I like beer and bikes like Marne and Aaron.
I also like "GBR" as Howard has now nicknamed the "ride/drink/ride"
I like people who have an opinion and make this a more interesting world.
"without an opinion, are we any better than animals?"
can't wait to see you all at this month's C.C.M.
Comment by buddaa38 on March 16, 2010 at 4:32pm
Yeah I just got pissed off!!! AND NO I DIDN'T GET CENSORED BY chainlink. I CENSORED myself just long enough for limited viewing .
I can Edit anyone of your comments any time if I chose TO.

So, know that you know of this rik!

Please watch what & who your talking about , and say everyone!

Because that's B*^*#$^T...
Comment by rik on March 16, 2010 at 4:32pm
how many hours would it take to ride to Hegewisch and back from clark and ridge?
Comment by buddaa38 on March 16, 2010 at 4:12pm
I planned this ride & ask Todd to come out with his great music selection! Yes, are rides are well organized thanks to Hector & myself. They do run smoothly. So when some emergency comes up nobody else takes over. I've seen & know a lot of you guys do your own rides or lead C.C.M. rides in the past.

As I had send Todd a personal e-mail to why I was not at the start of this. I will share that with you the public!

My wife Marlene's Daughter & son in-law are having marital problems. Due to that we had an emergency phone call from them, so went to bring him on the ride. I tell Hector that I'd probably be 1 hr behind you guys ride that I wanted to know he was bringing his 2-way radio or should I just call his cell to were the ride was at & join it.

Comment by Todd Allen ,

I was mildly disappointed that Tony couldn't make the ride and that we didn't do much riding.

But I've been on plenty of rides both group and solo where things didn't go as planned. It's a shame that none of us, myself included, were prepared to make more of the situation. I think most of us were lulled into a state of passivity because the ride usually goes smoothly.
Comment by rik on March 16, 2010 at 4:11pm
Either he got CENSORED by or he changed his mind.
Comment by Aaron Bussey on March 16, 2010 at 3:47pm
did Tony just get mad? I am shocked!
Comment by Aaron Bussey on March 16, 2010 at 3:44pm
I like discourse - and drinking beer too.....I would have followed anyone anywhere that night but no one was taking the lead so you were left to the ideas of two Bike Winter veterans this season who have had enough of riding in the cold - even if it is only 45 degrees....

Three snow rides
All Critical Mass rides
One Wicker Park mas where I was one of five on it in 15 degree weather - Rik was one of them
Two South Side Rides
Two Ghettosledding events
Four North Side Mass rides
All Midnight Marauder rides
All FBC rides

After a winter of this I am ready for Spring so I apologize for taking you all on such a short 'bar run' - bring on the hegewisch ride and I will gladly problem is most people dont want to do long distances if it involves actually riding outside the city or beyond the pale of 90/94...hence the beer runs

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