Well that was a great ride. We still are looking for the final head count of riders. So far I have 60+ . Hat's off to the leaders, Marlene & Ryan for leading the mass. The pace was just perfect for that size.Not to fast nor slow. It's critical to get that right speed , so you have no to few gaps. This was Tank Riding Ryan's first Co-lead. Not for Marlene she's just a vet. at this. Way to go guys. Now does anybody have any ride pictures.

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With the early darkness now, it might be smart to avoid streets that are pretty broken up and dark so you can't see the potholes, patches, and breaks in the pavement. We did ride through some pretty rough patches.
Tonight was my first NSCM, actually my first CM at all! It was great, I loved it and so did my friend. I wish I had started doing them earlier! I might be biased since we went right past my house (in RP) but I loved the route. There are some crappy streets around there though. I also love Marie's so overall it was great. Thanks for having me.
You a lot of you cats asked what my lights where all about, http://www.monkeylectric.com/ . I keep telling people electric monkey my bad.
It was my first mass as well, and I had a great time. Could not possibly have had better weather. Looking forward to more rides and meeting more people.
Yeah Bob; Marlene & Ryan pre-rode it & they had to change some of the streets due constuction being done. So they altered to what you guys did. But they were not that bad or were being worked on from what they told me. In two days they ripped up some of those streets. I guess you don't know from day to day if they will be working on a street.You know that for the most part we do keep it on good to some what good streets.

Bob Kastigar said:
With the early darkness now, it might be smart to avoid streets that are pretty broken up and dark so you can't see the potholes, patches, and breaks in the pavement. We did ride through some pretty rough patches.
Hey you guys it's not offical, but so far the head count I was told is possible 70+ riders... Way to go guys! !! The speed was nice, but just maybe we can next month add a few more miles. I was told that we had about 16 miles. When I maped it I put almost 18 miles;But due to street repair, they changed some streets & that made it alittle shorter. This is going into the best of times when the weather changes . I love it no-sweating nice color change. We do this ride all year round, So don't stop know . the winter rides are by best one's for routes. If you like it now,you will definitely fall in love we this ride. :-) Peace & be-safe out there


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