Heya Everyone,

Who's doing a route this month would anybody step up. Please keep in mine that it has to be trailer friendly. I'm way too busy for this every month. Next month we have Todd, Spencer & whoever else with I doing the Karaoke Ride. So that's August ride.


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I'm in I've done the downtown ones because I'm closer after work but the last 2 have gotten a little out of hand so how about a nice group ride through the streets and some beers after?

Delilahs on Lincoln just s/o Diversey is my pick.
My beautiful dear friend Annie, fellow bike lover and participant in many local rides (including NSCM) is doing a free burlesque show 10pm Friday at Cole's Bar, 2338 N. Milwaukee. It's a little far (Logan Square) from our usual zone, but that's where I may plan to end up, so seemed like a reasonable suggestion as endpoint.
Pictures from the North Side Critical Mass Ride on Friday, 9 July 2010 - the 2nd Friday of the month!

Thanks to everyone who was so great when I fell and helped me bandage my leg - really appreciate it!!!
Check out CandyCranks.com for my blog about the ride last night!!!
Had fun last night! Twas my first NSCM. Thanks for the warm welcome.
Hey did I miss you? I was talking with Scott last night & he didn't know when you would make it.

FallenArches said:
Had fun last night! Twas my first NSCM. Thanks for the warm welcome.
I missed the start of the ride but managed to catch it at Winnemac Park. I stayed with it until our delay in Horner Park. I was super hungry and had to break off in order to eat. Sorry I missed the chance to introduce myself. I did hand out a bunch of chainlink stickers later that evening and on Saturday night, though!

buddaa38 said:
Hey did I miss you? I was talking with Scott last night & he didn't know when you would make it.
FallenArches said:
Had fun last night! Twas my first NSCM. Thanks for the warm welcome.
Hi Sarah,

I'm so glad that you had a blast. Next month I'm help planning a Karaoke ride on bikes. That's right we will be singing with a WiFi mic. The next ride is Friday 13Th.


Sarah Layton said:
Big thanks to everyone that invited me on this ride (I'm the registered nurse that you picked up on Damen and Eastwood). You're all so welcoming. I had a blast! See you again soon.


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