Despite the brutal conditions... And an epic yet numbskull approach "ride" by this correspondent over the treacherous verglas coated bank at Ohio Street Beach? The new kids... Satan Presley..... Just Will... And bk ookmuk.... waited and waited for more riders. At some point, just after the cheap canned beer had began to turn to slush, we knew that only one thing HAD to happen:  Mass Up!... And verily? We did!.. Complete with soundtrack, in the finest tradition of those who cranked before us.


Yay! We got to lead* a CCM!


Peace and hair grease dear brothers and sisters. Happy Friday! Bike Winter!


Respectfully, your pal:



ps: Special thank you to SP for riding shotgun, WAY out of his way, all the way back to Wacker Drive. Above and beyond the call! So... Technically?.. A full 2/3 of the January 2012 Northside Mass was still riding well past Midnight!


*Please note: Attention!!!! Central Scrutinizer! CCM has no leaders or organizers!

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(in elvis voice) Thank you... Thank you very much!


We waited until after 7:30! They were testing us... you know it..and I know it.


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