I'm hatching a plan for next month's mass, and I'm thinking it could wind up at karaoke at The Atlantic on Lincoln, just south of Foster. I think I could probably formulate a route that could take us waaaaay around and back to the bar. 

I do love some Karaoke, and I think it would be a lot of fun to see some of you singin. 

By the by, wow. NSCM has been rockin, as Andrew covers here:


Views: 154

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My vote is yes!


A group of citizens is trying to get Foster Avenue "dieted" down from 4-lanes to 2-lanes.


Ride to the cause: let's take tonight's ride (5/10) west on Foster, all the way from Clark, Western or the River traveling west to Cicero, and then back east again on Foster.


Travel by several of the larger and popular parks along Foster: River Park, Eugene Field Park, Gompers Park and some Forest Preserve land as well.


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