I visited Detroit for some cycling last week and felt compelled to tell my computer about it. I know, it's 14 pages long but I'd appreciate it if you'd try to give it a read. I'd love to hear some feedback.

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I enjoyed reading your write up. You were fortunate to ride with Andy since he really knows his way around town. You do need to come back to ride the Dequindre Cut.

As for finding food, there are some grocery stores not far from the Wheelhouse. However, you really need to visit the Honey Bee on Bagley just south of the old train station.

And as for the bike racks at Comerica Park, the Tiger's organization was to have 2 bike racks installed after their previous home stand. I'm not sure if that got done yet or not. We've also discussed adding bike to the park days as well were there would be bike valet service.

If you would, please pass along my contact info (todd -AT- michigantrails.org and 248.808.1158) to those working on roll-on train service. We can help from the Detroit side. If it's possible, I'd like to have some initial discussion prior to Tuesday afternoon. We have our Green Task Force transportation meeting that day. I would like to add this to our to-do list.
I agree on the frustrating parts. No worries. I did know about the bike to the ballpark day scheduled. I discussed it with them a couple weeks ago but hadn't heard back.

I got the impression that you didn't spend much time in the city before you moved to Chicago, so I'm glad that you enjoyed your weekend and your riding. And yes, going up the corkscrew is a little tough if you're pushing it :) especially when you're used to the pancake that is the midwest.

I never made a Beat The Train Ride because I was never motivated to get up so damn early, but your report sort of motivates me to make one on one of my next few visits.

Seconding Todd's suggestion, Honeybee/La Colmena is probably the best market near downtown. E&L, near Vernor and Livernois, is pretty good too. The Indian Village market is OK, though a bit farther. IIRC a new market opened near downtown recently, but I can't remember where. Maybe Lafayette Park. You can probably find most of what you might want at Eastern Market, too, particularly some place like R Hirt.

When are you returning in September?
We are really looking forward the the Double D this year in Detroit. Of course I am referring to the Beatthetrain Ride and the Tour de Troit combined. September 19th. You HAVE to pay for the Tour and you get a t shirt. There may or may not be BTT t shirts. register now if you can. We're talking centuries hear folks! Metric and American. If the weather is good it will be a blast! But prepare for anything cause it feels like October now in August. Maybe that will be the day that Todd Scott my mentor will join us for once in a few years. Oh and we know its early but that really keeps out the RIF RAF! Next time we'll make sure we do the cut and go through Eastern Market. We found another jewell there just the following week you were hear. Hey David, Lets go man! Get up and get down to the fort. ;)
I'll make it for the Double D unless I volunteer to help before the TdT. Or maybe I'll just volunteer after. I thought about it when I got in friday night, but sleep won out last weekend! I miss Detroit.


Andy Staub said:
We are really looking forward the the Double D this year in Detroit. Of course I am referring to the Beatthetrain Ride and the Tour de Troit combined. September 19th. You HAVE to pay for the Tour and you get a t shirt. There may or may not be BTT t shirts. register now if you can. We're talking centuries hear folks! Metric and American. If the weather is good it will be a blast! But prepare for anything cause it feels like October now in August. Maybe that will be the day that Todd Scott my mentor will join us for once in a few years. Oh and we know its early but that really keeps out the RIF RAF! Next time we'll make sure we do the cut and go through Eastern Market. We found another jewell there just the following week you were hear. Hey David, Lets go man! Get up and get down to the fort. ;)


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