Started by Brian Kennedy. Last reply by Brian Kennedy Mar 27, 2010.
Started by Brian Kennedy. Last reply by David P. Aug 25, 2009.
Started by Brian Kennedy. Last reply by Brian Kennedy Aug 20, 2009.
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Just saw this article in the Chicago Tribune. Any concerns?
Detroit Needs Robocop Now More than Ever: Why a proposed statue of the tragic hero is a good idea for the Motor City.
More here.
Given what's happening in Egypt, the a post to the BBC reports:
Jim, from the US writes: "I have a friend in Dearborn, home to one of the largest Muslim communities in North America. I've been told police are on alert for possible rioting this evening and this weekend. Local TV stations in Detroit, US have summoned-in off-duty news staff for possible coverage of rioting there."
And a fascinating counterpoint offered up by Guernica's online mag, Detroitism:
Red Dawn 2, the forthcoming sequel to the nineteen eighties B-movie about a Soviet occupation of America, was shot last year in downtown Detroit. A long-abandoned modernist skyscraper coincidentally undergoing demolition served as a backdrop for battle scenes between American guerrillas and the Communist occupiers, now Chinese. For weeks, Chinese propaganda posters fluttered in the foreground of the half-destroyed office building, whose jagged entrails were visible through the holes opened by the wrecking ball. A pedestrian routinely bumped into Asian-American extras with Michigan accents and fake Kalashnikovs, while a parking garage played the role of a Communist police station. It was an uncanny spectacle: the very real rubble of the Motor City’s industrial economy serving as the movie backdrop for post-industrial America’s paranoid fantasies of national victimization. What made it even weirder was the fact that the film’s producers just left the posters hanging when they packed up. A red-and-yellow poster on that same parking garage assured us for weeks afterward that our new rulers were “here to help.”
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