Favorite restaurants. Overall favorites or just by cuisine, favorite neighborhood spots, or just a notable establishment. 

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Le Bouchon. But no one else can go there. French country. Consistently very good, occasionally magnificent. The staples include mussels au beurre appetizer with enough liquid left over for dipping about a loaf of bread in it; the green apple and Belgian endive salade is a must(e); the Onion tarte is exceptional. Entrees are variable, but keep an eye out for the Saddle of Lapin and the Bouillabaisse. If you're lucky the Cassoulet. Save room for the souffle au chocolat. It only seats about 45 and it's consistently busy. You can eat at the bar. Great atmosphere. Professional and personable staff.
Agreed. The sister restaurant, Le Sardine (just east of Oprah's studio) is a little less warm and fuzzy but just as good. Both have special prix fixe and half price wine days. Bouchon has lunch. Maybe Sardine does too. Get the sardines if they have them.

Kevin Conway said:
Le Bouchon.
Agreed +1. I had a wedding reception at La Sardine...
(individual results may vary)

Allen Wrench said:
Agreed. The sister restaurant, Le Sardine (just east of Oprah's studio) is a little less warm and fuzzy but just as good. Both have special prix fixe and half price wine days. Bouchon has lunch. Maybe Sardine does too. Get the sardines if they have them.

Kevin Conway said:
Le Bouchon.
Oops. LA Sardine.

On Argyle and next to it: Hai Yen for grilled meats especially, and liquor license. Bo la lot and green papaya salad. Mmm. Another branch further south isn't as good at the grill nor as moderately priced but fancier atmosphere. Tank Noodle on Argyle also great, BYOB. The little bakery Patisserie P has a baker, Peter Yuen, who won an international competition in Paris for best croissant style baked goods. And Ba Le for sandwiches and housemade cold cuts. Take them to the lakefront for a picnic. Nearly out of luck in this neighborhood for vegetarian options though you can squeak by. The Chinese barbecue place just north of Argyle is supposed to be good though I keep trying to get there and end up drawn into one of the others first...

Italian food, and German food: go to another city.


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