Registration is now open for all Great Lakes Randonnueurs (GLR) events. We have 18 new routes this year with most starting in northern Illinois. We are looking to expand our ridership to more people in the Chicago area.
Our feature event this year is the Million Meters 2: The Dark Chocolate Cow. This 1000K features 3 days of great rides heading for Wausau, the Dells of the Eau Claire River, Stevens Point, the most famous landmarks of Door County, High Cliff State Park, Rawley Point Lighthouse and the shores of Lake Michigan. July 12-16.
Like the idea of a trip in upper Door County, but not up for 1000k? Try the Upper Door Tour 300k, a slightly different loop, but mainly the same route as Day 2 of the 1000k. See Death's Door, Egg Harbor, Fish Creek, Bailey's Harbor, Peninsula State Park and other totally awesome sights. We will also have the Chocolate Chicken 120k and the High Cliff 110k. The Chocolate Chicken is an abbreviated trip through Upper Door County. The High Cliff takes you south to High Cliff State Park on the Fox River Trail and back up. Laid back and relaxed!
To sign up for GLR events, go to Great Lakes Randonneurs - Welcome
I am enlisting my sweetie as an accountability partner to make sure I finally do brevets this year! I have been meaning to for years now but not doing it. And the Evanston opener couldn't be any easier.
That is terrific! Please let me know if you have any questions about randonneuring. I got involved in 2017 and got hooked. I just completed an R-12 which means I did a 200K every month for 12 consecutive months!
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