Members: 125
Latest Activity: Jun 8, 2018
Welcome to the ChainLink group in support of Chicago's annual running of the World Naked Bike Ride: "Celebrating the end of the oil and the beauty of people."
The 11th annual ride will be the evening of Saturday June 14th 2014.
TheChainLink event posting / Facebook Group
The following is excerpted from (go there for much more info)
Interested in the amazing World Naked Bike Ride Chicago?
JOIN the mailing list right now!
World Naked Bike Ride (WNBR) is an international clothing-optional bike (or other person powered) event where participants ride en masse for the dual purpose of bringing attention to people powered transport and promoting positive body image. For a great overview see WikiPedia.
The event is bare-as-you-dare; anything from body paint to underwear to fanciful costumes are encouraged. Due to legal restrictions in Chicago, full frontal nudity is at your own risk, but large numbers of participants do go all out. Large-scale body painting is typically available pre-ride, and personal expression is encouraged. Cyclists familiar with Critical Mass (which is massive in Chicago) can simply see this as a special clothing optional additional June mass.
Chicago's past events included many hundreds of cyclist and numerous inline skaters, and covered over a dozen miles of high visibility city areas. In 2008 the 5th annual event drew a staggering 1700 riders! Blessed by decent summer weather in a great cycling city, the event has grown into a fantastic rolling celebration, with similarities to other major alternative parades world-wide. Participants often describe it as a transcendent group experience, personally transforming, and beyond superlative.
This CL group is intended for unmoderated chatter and thread following. For announcements make sure to also join the mailing list at
Started by Andrew Bedno. Last reply by Seth Allen Jun 8, 2014.
Started by Jera Sue May 23, 2012.
Started by Jera Sue May 17, 2011.
2018 event posting on TCL:
World Naked Bike Ride : Chicago #14 was a great success. Thanx everyone! Pics and chatter at
World Naked Bike Ride : Chicago #14 event is posted at
CHECK-IN opens today after 6pm at Fulton River Park, about 355 N Jefferson St. Arrive CLOTHED&SHOED. Keep your clothes WITH YOU at all times.
Participants on people powered wheels will be forwarded to start location.
We ride after 8p, don't be late. Rain or shine, so BE PREPARED for ANYTHING.
Likely viewing opportunities:
ETA ~8:45pm: Across from Trump Tower, Wacker and Wabash, 401 N Wabash Ave ETA ~9:40pm: BP station, at LaSalle and Clark, 1647 N LaSalle St ETA ~11:20: Polonia Triangle, Division and Milwaukee, 1209 N Milwaukee Ave
See or or or use #WNBRC to follow us live.
Travel Tips:
No parking near the starting location, so please bike or train or bus in.
Pink+Green Clinton stop, then go north.
Blue line Grand Stop, then go southeast.
About half a mile north of Ogilve
Halsted bus is also a good option.
Metra allows bikes today, but at conductor discretion.
* World Naked Bike Ride : Chicago #13 - June 11th 2016
* Info / Options / Unsub:
World Naked Bike Ride : Chicago #13 is Saturday June 11th 2016
Save the date!!! Chicago's THIRTEENTH Annual World Naked Bike Ride is Saturday June 11th 2016 - Gather after 6pm, Ride before sunset.
Join the emailing list for details at
Check-in point will be announced on web and email shortly before ride day.
WNBR-C is a fun and conspicuous event celebrating the end of oil and the beauty of people. The ride's atmosphere is extremely joyful and transcendently fun. Bicycles are the best solution to reducing America's car addiction and improving public health. This event is global with dozens of cities participating world-wide and Chicago among the top turnouts.
This is bare-as-you-dare with outfits ranging from nude to painted to costumed to undies. Chicago's past years rallied thousands of cyclists and skaters covering a dozen miles of high visibility city tourism and recreation areas.
For more info on where to be, how to behave and how to prepare see
Ridecasting live on on ride day, @ChiNakedRide and #WNBRC on Twitter, and on Facebook at
See you there!!
I'll be ridecasting on
So worst case, you may be able to cvatchup.
Suggested viewing points:
10:15pm Boystown, Halsted & Belmont
11:15pm Wicker Park, Damen and Milwaukee
Chicago's 12th Annual World Naked Bike Ride departs today at 8pm!
Check-In begins after 6pm at Mary Bartelme Park, 909 W Adams, at Peoria.
This is not the starting point of the ride (keep your clothes on), you will be told where to go from there.
If you show up without a bike, skateboard, inline skates, or some other HUMAN POWERED TRANSPORT you cannot join.
Please do not show up at the last minute (8pm), many people get left behind doing that each year.
We ride rain or shine, so BE PREPARED for ANYTHING.
Travel Tips:
There is no parking near the starting location, so consider biking in or utilizing the CTA's bike and ride, you can put your bike on a bus or train.
Blue Line: Grand stop is very close, so is the Halsted UIC stop
Green Line: Morgan St stop is perfect
Halsted and Ashland buses are a good option.
Weather permitting we may grill after. So bring something, or you can pickup later.
(cross-posting from WNBRC's emailing)
=== Safety How To ===
Chicago's World Naked Bike Ride proudly continues a tradition of mutual respect, responsibility and safety. Participants look out for and cooperate with other riders. Specifically regarding safety the most important things are:
* Keep your clothes with you- NOT with a friend.
* If you encounter creeper nonsense call it out.
* Sometimes bystanders get hands-y during the ride.
* The ride has volunteers.
* Make sure you and your bike are ready.
Breaking these down...
* Clothes with you
This is a drop ride. Stopping a bike parade of 2000+ for multiple inevitable flats is impossible.
Yearly someone loses their friends in the crowd and falls behind the ride's end. When you're that rider the group's protection disappears. If a friend carries your clothes you could be alone, who knows where, naked.
* Creeper nonsense
Resist with a loud "NO!" if your personal limits (or a friend's) are violated. Creeps have a harder time when people suddenly stare at their offensive behavior. Attract the attention of friends and allies.
* Hands-y bystanders
Avoid potential gropes, slaps, and high fives by staying out of reach in the center of the street. The adventurous ride nearer the sidewalk.
* Ride volunteers
Most wear vests or lanyards. Please let us know if you encounter an issue; everyone should feel safe. On the flip side, please meet us with mutual respect if we ask something of you.
* Be ready
Get a bike tune-up if needed. Rest so that you're fresh for miles of bystanders cheering you shedding clothes (as bare as you dare!) Stay hydrated and eat. Carry water, food, and needed prescriptions.
I'm eager to see you Saturday, June 13th!
More info:
Join the safety vested team:
(cross-posting from WNBRC's emailing)
Just a month 'til World Naked Bike Ride : Chicago #12
Celebrating freedom from oil and the beauty of people.
The evening of SATURDAY JUNE 13th 2015
Questions? See
NOW'S when to make sure YOU and BIKE are ready.
We care, so check your wheels and put in some miles.
Print yer own flyers!
Facebook funtimes:
Done a few WNBR's already? Ready to step up?
Help shepherd the cats
C U in June!
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