Chainlink Gardeners


Chainlink Gardeners

A place for chainlink plantophiles to share tips and maybe get a little exchange thingy going.

(fyi guys, we turned off the group message option since Ning doesn't give you a way to respond. So use the comments or forum threads here if you have a message to the group. We are slowly doing this for each group. 9/29/12)

Members: 77
Latest Activity: Jun 28, 2015

Discussion Forum

2015 garden photos 4 Replies

Started by Anne Alt. Last reply by Anne Alt Jun 28, 2015.

2013 Gardening Photos! 11 Replies

Started by Garth Liebhaber. Last reply by h' Zerocats Aug 30, 2013.

ISO plants + pots 1 Reply

Started by Melissa. Last reply by Erin Jun 24, 2013.

Shout Out for Orange Mint! 10 Replies

Started by in it to win it 8.0 mi. Last reply by h' Zerocats Jun 14, 2013.

Volunteer Day and Potluck at the Urban Farm at UIC

Started by Melissa M Sep 19, 2012.

June 2012 garden plant update 4 Replies

Started by h' Zerocats. Last reply by h' Zerocats Jul 4, 2012.

2012 garden photos thread 5 Replies

Started by Anne B.. Last reply by Todd Allen May 29, 2012.

Neighborhood Nutrition Centers Community Meeting

Started by Les Kniskern May 14, 2012.

2012 Plant Exchange thread 3 Replies

Started by Duppie. Last reply by Duppie Apr 17, 2012.

Comment Wall


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Comment by Les Kniskern on August 20, 2011 at 5:49am
I found an article on Yellow Cone Flowers, which suggests 
  • Establishes easily from seed. Seed can be sown in the fall or spring. Best results can be reached by stratifying seed at 33-38o F for 30 days, but this is not essential for germination.
  • Older plants can be divided and planted in the spring, but an extensive root system makes this difficult.

This was on the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Services website in their Illinois Native Plant Guide.

Comment by Erin on August 20, 2011 at 3:40am

Anyone know if it is too late to plant native plants (coneflowers, etc.) this summer? I want to convert the grass in front of my house to a native garden, but don't know whether to plant the natives now or wait until next spring. (One way or the other, the grass is coming out now, though.) Anyone know? Thanks.

Comment by jen on August 19, 2011 at 11:22am

grand street gardens in having a yard sale now through sunday. 75% off summer annuals 50% of perennials and 75% of edibles. Just picked up some herbs for less than a dollar each. Still thinking about planting grape vines in my yard


Comment by igz on August 2, 2011 at 12:53am

on saturday evening, we will be having some people over for mojitos - with mint from the garden, grilling, and pyromania in celebration of welcoming our new room mate and my 31st b-day.  feel free to come by.

PM me or txt me for address info.  i am located near grand and ogden.

Comment by igz on July 29, 2011 at 4:11pm
I heard about that while on the train, and sadly forgot to pass along the message. All they have is a variety of tomatoes. They aren't looking too hot, but I grabbed two. There were about 50 plants left.
Comment by igz on July 29, 2011 at 12:53pm
I pull the flowers off my basil. Should I be doing the same with the mint and oregano?
Comment by Duppie on July 27, 2011 at 6:31am
Comment by igz on July 23, 2011 at 12:42am
Les, I found a bunch gravel, flag stones, and bricks that I used as retaining walls, all for free on craigslist. People are always getting rid of stuff. Only caveat usually is that you have to pick it yourself and sometimes they want ya to 'take it all' which could be more than ya want or need.
Comment by Les Kniskern on July 22, 2011 at 8:32pm

Perhaps a tad off topic, but do you know of any free source for stones and gravel? Looking for about 3 cu ft to set up a fire pit (outside of Chicago) to serve an organic garden.


Comment by igz on July 22, 2011 at 3:47pm
We are guilty of more novice ignorance. Being we planted these in april, they are simply ready for harvest. They bloomed about a month ago.

There is so much to learn about timing on this kinda stuff.

Members (76)


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