This thread will be used as a sort of notepad to collect witnessed and unusual theft reports-- take a look if you see new activity-- this sort of info has been very elusive until recently.

A victim sent along this photo today-- thieves basically wrecked the bike rack in front of her building (near Diversey and Kedzie) to get her bike:

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Thanks for the info. I live not to far from there.

Looks like thieves are getting creative and/or desperate.
Whoever stole that bike is scum.

H3N3 said:
First report of a bike stolen along with a trail-a-bike and dad's/kid's helmets.
i dont recognize the guy. and the van is not a part of this. look at the first still...van. third still of same van.

so less than two minutes, and bike gone. broad daylight...witness, even checks him out and continues. awesome.

what would be great is if we can find this....craigslist/SoR/etc, and put a face to this. with this kind of surveilance, there is potential for prosecution.
Craigslist find:

FUJI ROUBAIX - Bike Thief Caught On tape - $1 (Lincoln Park)
This bike thief stole my 2007 Fuji Roubaix from the Lincoln Park area on July 5th at 4:50 pm.

I have a video of the thief in action.

Any information is appreciated! If you're a fellow bike lover you understand how horrible it would be to get your bike taken.

Silver and black
Aero bars
"look" Clip-in Peddles
Back seat water bottles

All of the reflectors were removed.


Here is a link to the registry post:

The bike:
Here's something you don't see every day. Thief(s) broke into car on street, retrieved electric garage door opener, opened garage in alley, stole two bikes:
Bike A was locked to a wrought iron fence with a u-lock. Bike B was u-locked to just the frame of Bike A. Thieves sawed through the frame of Bike A to steal Bike B. Bike A was left locked to fence. Bike B and u-lock are gone.

I call this unusual. Bike locked through frame and front wheel. Thief disassembles headset, steals front fork, stem, handlebars and brakes.


Alright. It's not really an unusual or witnessed theft, but if this email doesn't give you a warm fuzzy, you're made of stone:


Hi, Howard. I contacted you back in December when my Jamis touring bike was stolen. Unfortunately, it's still at large, but how cool was it that I was the good Samaritan who returned [admin delete]'s Miyata to her? I was actually on my way home from the bike shop with the new bike that replaced my stolen Jamis when I happened upon the unlocked Miyata leaning against a tree. I figured it was stolen, so I whipped out my phone and looked up the site. The Miyata listing was at the top of the page. The Stolen Bike Registry works! When people know about it. I've certainly been trying to publicize it.

Thanks for everything. I keep hoping I'll find that Jamis.

[admin delete]

[admin delete]
Chicago, IL 60611

Cable lock defeated by a brick.


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