I'm not working next Saturday.

Who's in?

How have folks been feeling about the times they've been getting down there?

I once heard that thieves will try to catch vendors while they're lined up to enter to unload their stolen bikes, so I really feel like getting there early gives the greatest return on investment.

Should we plan to meet there at 8, with people arriving earlier as they see fit?

Is there value in having one large group assembled?

Remember to note whether you're in for Saturday, but let's have some back and forth to see how we can refine our approach.

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Update: Ron says Yes, 7 A.M. per individual message.

I think that means at his shop on Milwaukee-- Sorry in a huge hurry, could the next person to read this please find the details of past N. side meetups and post them here?

So 8-8:15 A.M. at "the base" AKA McD's for those arriving directly, 7 A.M. at (Lugs?) to ride down.

Who's bringing a laptop, vs. who will agree to be on standby at home ready to take calls and search?

Ron said:
Looks like I'm buying coffee..
If I make it there I will have a lap top.
1152 N Milwaukee Ave. I've got a small laptop. Carene can hold down at Mickey's. Be there, Or Be square
Do we know for sure that McD's has internet access?
Edit-- just called, they do, no password, the gal said "yes" to the question of whether it's "pretty much always working."

Ron said:
1152 N Milwaukee Ave. I've got a small laptop. Carene can hold down at Mickey's. Be there, Or Be square
Do you guys need an extra u lock? Let me know if you would need one (I know there are varying opinions on simply trying to quickly throw a ulock around a bike before the cops arrive). I can't come Saturday but can donate one (hopefully I will get it back but if not its a donation).

Also, other Saturdays I can come, sounds like it would be good to get fresh faces so as not to spook vendors who start to know some of you.
I know it was the functional equivalent of pissing in the ocean, but that was fun. Thanks everyone.
So what happened?
We need to put our heads together and decide how public we want to be about this general effort going forward. I don't want to say more about that here but it's pretty clear at this point that the thieves/fences feel very justified in their little 'business venture' and are clearly more likely to fight back than to slink further underground. At the point that the first person gets injured trying to recover a stolen bike this is all going to look a little foolish IMO.
The short of it is that two bikes were recovered-- one due to a registry listing, another because the owner lost it Thursday and heard S-o-R was a good place to look; the owner of the latter got the police there and got his bike back. A third bike was identified but the owner did not return my call until we were done-- I spoke to him later and gave him what he needed to try to go get it. Don't know if he'll follow through.

Lots and lots of clearly stolen bikes on hand, with police ready to help take them out of circulation, but the biggest barrier is getting people to report/list stolen bikes-- not much you can do if you are standing there looking at a bike that's obviously stolen but have no other info.

Who is on board with the idea of moving to a closed group for future planning?

We could keep this group open for general bike theft discussion, brainstorming new approaches, collecting info, but use the other for specific action-oriented planning.


Moc Artsy said:
So what happened?
You can move this to a closed group if you like. Thieves and fences "fighting back" is completely unacceptable, and if they want to move from theft of property to larger crimes, then I think a line definitely has to be drawn.
Moc Artsy said:
Thieves and fences "fighting back" is completely unacceptable,

We live in a city that barely considers property crimes to be a police matter, beyond filling out paperwork for insurance purposes. And in a culture that considers bicycles to be recreational toys.

Gotta face the music that we're mostly on our own here, and need to know exactly how far to (or not to) push things.
FYI-- my one-handed notes from Saturday (phone in the other hand-- too noisy in McD's for speaker phone)

specialized black allez

lemond poprad large white blue lettering 58?

jamis ventura black silver lettering

specialized sirrus grey

red trek 1200 platform pedals white bottle cage smaller


fuji cross town 1.0 gray/silver big 58? larger


specialized tri cross 56 cm carbon fork black grey white letters

trek 700 small red white letters

specialized hardrock pro black grey disc comp fork gray letters

44 cm redline 925 red black letters cream panel downtube

gary fisher mamba yello black letters

giant ocr 2 blue gray

wndsor purple or black


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