I've got an e-mail out to see if I can get more details.

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Not sure if this is the best place to post this Chicago Tribune article, but here it is. You guys made the news!
Such an amazing story about Chainlinkers finding stolen chainlinkers bikes and a little faith and good will!
I'm sure I'm not the first person who's heard this...

A friend told me that his friend actually found his own stolen bike on Chicago Ave (near the Red Line, near that McDonald's) locked to a bike rack. (Lucky SOB, huh?)

The owner took his own U-lock and locked his bike (again) to the bike rack, then went and got a cutter himself and cut the thief's lock loose. I thought that was pretty nifty! Great way to make use of a bike lock, if you happen to have a spare one on you! (Of course, this depends on the thief not getting there first and cutting off your lock).
Do tell! We could use a good recovery story.


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