Got pictures of your "moving vehicle"? Move stories? Do share!

Humble/Bragging beginnings (which is it? you decide):
Let me just start this discussion by saying I can get 8 grocery bags onto my bike without any trailer. Two panniers and one front basket, large duffle bag lying across the back rack/panniers, a light-weight bag hanging from each handle, + backpack.

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AW SOME !!!!!

pn7186 said:

Hey Movers: I've moved quite a bit on my bike, sans trailer. But this was the accomplishment I was most proud of. Went from Lawrence and Western'ish to Diversey and Western.

In the process of constructing racks for transporting the surf boards but over the weekend this trike was able to transport a mom and three kids under 5 years old along with all their toys from the beach back home... then returned to fetch two +200 lb. surfers, both of their 10' and 12' surfboards along with the SUP paddles and 4 assorted inflatable surfmats/3 pairs of flippers. Wish I got a picture of that!
The misses & I helped some friends move from an apartment to the new condo around Andersonville. The move was on June 11th. I used a Schwinn trailer & a Trek 820 mountain bike. I moved about 120-150lbs at a time. We did about 3 trips. Move on...Ride on!

Fantastic Alberto.  Great photos too.



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